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Isreali Air Force F-16C and D's in early 90's

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At that time they were flying the Block 30 (PM II) jets and had just received the first Block 40 (PM III) jets in 1991. I don't have a lot of info on what they carried but my photos show both AIM-9L and Python 4 missiles mounted. 

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I think that the F-16I was the first Israeli F-16 to be AMRAAM capable.


Per the Isradecal F-16I book:

"The AIM-120 Air to Air missiles became operational in the late 90s with teh arrival of the first F-15I Ra'am aircraft to the IAF. It was just logical that the F-16I Sufa could be armed with these advanced missiles. The Sufa is the only IAF F-16 version with radar guided missile capability."

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Although Raanan Wise knows he's Israeli Vipers, there is a breach of logic in that statement. Firstly, all F-16's from block 25/30/32 onwards have the capability to guide and launch AIM-120's, it follows from the development path of the Viper. You just need the right software update at worst 

Then, although rarely if ever seen, Israeli Vipers should be able to carry the Darby radar guide missile. Derby can be carried on the 16S210 rails, same as the Pythons. 

The F-16I is however the one model that regularly carries the AIM-120 as seen on plenty of photos. 

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Software capabilities and political agreements are two different things.  I don't know the specifics for IADF but an FMS operator of a specific block may not have "everything". 😎

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