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SCAMMERS Hints to how to deal with......

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These scammer are expanding.  Some of the tell tale signs from many many GOOD deals on HS & ARC:


-NEW account  less than 6 months is  RED FLAG


-Grammar and language  like 'Hey Bro'   OR  'My brother'   'My cousin'  or friend has  what __________ you re looking for.  RED FLAG


-Stock internet photos.  RED FLAG     ALWAYS ask for a photo of the item in question with a date stamped pic for verification.


-Asks to be paid via PAYPAL Friends & Family  OR Zelle ----no way to get your $$ back  RED FLAG


-Employs another trusted person's post on that Discussion Board...usually either cutting & pasting the actual post and claiming they have the SAID item for sale.  Look up the trusted person and see if the emails match  RED FLAG


FOR ME----I include my email so you can email me directly-to confirm and I ALWAYS will send pics and verification & Tracking numbers.    I even send a photo of the package before it is shipped with the address on it to prove I have it in my possession & will be shipped.   The Key here is transparency!



ATTENTION THIS IS A RED FLAG OPERATION!  PLEASE CEASE ALL COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY......... Feel free to cut an paste & use this when a suspected scammer is contacting you


Hope this helps.   If anyone can add to this list That would be great!


Edited by scorvi
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This thread should be pinned, with posts added that quote examples of the "offers" we have received.  I would add the ones I received but I deleted them shortly after receiving them.

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6 hours ago, Da SWO said:

I'll add the PayPal fee, and let them know. 

Worked so far.

I don’t have an issue covering someone’s PayPal fee, but you’re not supposed to ask for it or add it above the price. PayPal policy. If you’re hard up for a couple extra bucks then it should just be part of the sale price. I don’t add fees, except maybe in cheaper kits I’m going to lose money on, and definitely don’t ask, but I don’t complain if I do get paid via friends and family either. I like when that happens. The fee is the price of doing business so a few bucks here and there are fine with me. 

Something else is I hope people don’t read into scammers use of gmail too deep. Their format is pretty standard, with a first and last name followed by a number. I have two gmail addresses and have had them since gmail started 20 some odd years ago. One is my ham radio call sign, kg4kpg, so to non radio operators I could see the suspicion a little. 

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