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New Product Update. Introducing the "Doohickus Mk.1"...miniature light forming tool.

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Have you ever clipped off those smalll clear lights on sprues only for them to go flying off into some distant realm or land on the carpet to unobservably be devoured by the carpet monster? Ever build a kit and manage to get the lights mounted only for them to get knocked off from handling overtime? How about replacing those hideous lights molded in halves along fuselage split lines that obstruct sanding a clean straight surface and always never seem to keep the round curves they should have.


Well I have a tool for you.1f609.svg I introduce the "Doohickus Mk.1" form tool that will allow you to make use of those sprues that are just tossed away especially the clear ones...wink...wink.


All it takes,,, heat end of leftover sprue till softened, jam into form tool...hold steady and  still till plastic sets (15 seconds or so). Separate sprue from tool. Slice off shape off end with a good sharp single edged blade, paint and glue.

It can be found here:



Check out my other resin items I modelled up and sell if you haven't bought from me.


Thanks for looking.


Light Former Ebay Display Image.JPG






20231112_101521 mod.jpg

Edited by Jonathan Smith
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12 hours ago, Jonathan Smith said:

Sorry for the confusion Solo. I sold out of the last batch and had to restore the link to reflect restoring stock. You should now see stock available. These things are selling well.


Best regards,


Great, but...

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