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I've seen some very informative discussions about various paints here at ARC, including MRP paints, but one issue wasn't covered.  Is it necessary to thin MRP paints, or, given that they are an acrylic lacquer and translucent enough to require at least two coats, according to previous posts, can you just forgo using any kind of thinner?

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They spray just fine straight from the bottle using my H&S Infinity w/0.2mm needle and tip. They are not suitable for brush work, a single pass using a brush for minor touch-up will usually work. Also as mentioned it will usually take two coats, fortunately they dry fast enough that you can just keep spraying, no need to wait between coats. I’m expecting to use at least half a bottle when I get to my 1/72 Buccaneer in overall Operation Granby pink.

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Thanks very much for the replies!  In using MRP with an airbrush, I've found that it does indeed spray on in very thin coats, but dries incredibly fast.  And as you've all advised, no thinner needed.  It's so thin it reminds me of Alclad.  This is great stuff!

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