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Reprint old decals, Help

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I ordered a 1/48 Hasegawa F-16C (Block 40 No.1) "Night Falcon".


  I attempted to do the tail art first, The Falcon did not want to come off the after being soaked in hot water for about 20 seconds. I gingerly tried to move the decal and it would not move. I put it back in the water for about 4 minutes. Still didn't want to come off. 


  While the decal was still in the water, I used a paint brush to slide between the decal and carrier film. The decal broke up to where the decal was unusable.


   I got a person that could do the artwork, but he needs a person to print the decals, any help?

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I would think it would be easier to get another sheet from that kit (test it, and if necessary, put a coating over it before using). You could make a post in the Spares Box forum.  I have most Hasegawa boxings (and I don't need any of the decals), but I think that's one of the few I don't have.

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Don't want to waste another $40.00 on a kit , just to kit decals. What my brother does, except with Trumpeter 1/32 kits. 

Here is the actual aircraft.


You buy chance , have the 1/72 F-16 "Diana Combo"?


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Old Hasegawa decals can be "difficult" and those could be over 30 years old.  During my last Hasegawa build I ended up buying a coffee cup warmer and a small metal cat food bowl to keep the decal water hot.  A long soak much longer than any other decals I've used. I wait until the decal is loose on the film in the water is the only way I've found to deal with them. Even doing that several long skinny wing walk decals tore.  I try to start with something small that won't be missed or is unused to get a feel for how the decals are going to respond. 


FYI, that kit is not really a Block 40 aircraft. It's closer to a Block 25 or 32. It was nearly a decade after that kit was released before Hasegawa came out with the MCID/GE engine parts to do a proper Block 40. Unless you are dead set on doing those markings, I'd look for some Desert Storm or '90s era decals. They wouldn't use the LANTIRN system, but would be more correct for the airframe details.

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22 minutes ago, AFammo said:

In New Hampshire, are you talking about the "Night Falcon" or the "Diana Combo"?


1/48 Night Falcon from kit #06108


I will check my stash tonite when I get back home




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   Crash Test, I'll try that idea of a longer soak in hot water, kind of set on those. Worse case scenario, I'll do one from the NY ANG(Syracuse) F-16, it was one of the units that used the GPU-5/A 30MM Gunpod in the Gulf. I got half of a falcon on the model, and then it bubbled. May be they are too old to use?

   I also had to drive a load of AIM-9 missiles to that unit. I wasn't told why, just, "your going on a road trip". They have cool markings. I was given a set of the Cobra tail markings used on their jets.


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