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Huzzah!  At last, The market (I think) was sufficiently saturated with this kit to bring the price down on remaining NOS and available ones.  I finally got a 'sub-$100' Cougar off of eBay for $60 + shipping.  There were others offered at 'buy-it-now' prices for $50 but I didn't see them until I had already submitted my bid.  Someone did do the sniping thing in the last 30 seconds and I often wonder if the sellers have different accounts to raise the bid price on an otherwise static, no-bid-action on an item....


Well, anyway, it arrived last week and I want to do a dk sea blue bird, possibly on a carrier deck.  I think I need an Essex class wooden deck, no?  I see some nice aftermarket items out there but may have o scratchbuild since my budget is low.  Or, time for the same reason.  I had entertained the notion of a third-wire trap with the bird still in the air just slightly before 'impact' with some nifty/stout engineering with piano wire but that may prove impractical and result in creative use of clear lucite or similar.  Haven't decided.  


I have been bird-dogging this kit for years, ever since KH went OOB.  Now, the new low price may ('may') mean that someone is popping it again under the Storm moniker?


As another completely unrelated subject, I still have my 1/72 Anigrand Lockheed Jetstar on the shelf-of-doom, awaiting more activity.  It has been over a decade while life got in the way.  So much has happened.  Several moves, deaths, medical confrontations and more but I still think it would be nifty cool to finish.  The latest hurdle was my stash was 'accidentally' auctioned off, along with about $20k worth of other property due to a 'clerical error' at my storage facility in South Carolina.  A great many highly collectible and rare kits were sold off, whereabouts unknown.  I did all the legal inquiries and it seems the storage facility did all the proper legal things and we settled for pennies on the dollar.  But I am out some really cool kits along with family heirlooms and more.  There were also tons of 1960's/70's pop-culture TV shows on DVD along with photos of my daughter in her youngest years.  




But enough about that.  Move on...the modeling world is my oyster and I'm retired, have my man-cave almost configured and the watchmaking has come to a halt.  Hyperinflation has put a stop to people buying 'frivolous-nice-to-have' things and I'm at a work stoppage X two years on that.  


However, and also, I have my crealty 3D printer and am STILL struggling to learn computer drafting to make some things that nobody will ever make a kit of.  Among them are some utterly cool 1960's first generation business jets.  Everyone ogles the Lears.  I have my sights set in a different direction.   

Edited by VADM Fangschleister
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3 hours ago, Spruemeister said:

Most of them are coming back. 


Would you happen to know the story on this?   Storm Factory got the 1/32 F-5F molds but is second wave a new kitmaker? Marketer?  

Been away for a bit and out-of-the-loop. Is there a thread somewhere.  Thanks for the heads up. 👍🏻

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I believe the second wave is just that Squadron got some of the KH kits and sold out and now a second wave of the kits will be arriving in near future. 
Several other retailers/online stores have been getting KH kits lately.  Scalehobbyist just got the 3 F-35’s, Su-35, Su-22, and also the Su-27 not too long ago. 

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3 hours ago, Gary F said:

I believe the second wave is just that Squadron got some of the KH kits and sold out and now a second wave of the kits will be arriving in near future. 
Several other retailers/online stores have been getting KH kits lately.  

I see. Well, NOS is okay.  

I’m still jonesing for that 1/32 F-106 someday that Trumpy was gonna do, then KH.   Looks like I’m gonna have to 3D it.  Also someday.  

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