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RF Phantoms announced by ZM ('48th, natch!)

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Does the RF-4B caption mention if they will do the thin-wing RF-4B ?  It is obscured by the A-1 in the foreground.  I sure would like to have a proper thin wing RF-4B out of the box. 


I am glad to see they will release an RF-4C. I have the Hasegawa kit but ... it is one of the more elusive Hasegawa Phantoms, so now more people will have the chance to build an RF-4C. 

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Since my IPMS Chapter is based in Birmingham, AL and named “The Phantom Phlashers”, you know a bunch will be sold here. At least the chances of an accurate cockpit are really good. Can’t wait. 

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Strictly speaking the RF-4 kits were announced at the previous IPMS-USA show in August 2023, but it wasn't hugely publicised. We probably won't see an official  'Old Man's Blog' about them until a 3D print is ready.

This is the post from the Caracal RF-4C decal thread with the same Z-M advertisement:



Unfortunately I don't think we'll see in plastic form much before late 2026 - as well as the (E)F-4C mentioned above, they still have the F-4F, F-4F (ICE), a basic F-4EJ and possibly a RF-4EJ plus maybe a later 'late F-4E' (with TISEO but without the belly strap)  to release, unless they decide to skip the remaining gun nose F-4s for now and concentrate on the Photo Phantoms. The kits will need to be almost completely new moulds with only a couple of frames from the earlier kits being useable.



Does the RF-4B caption mention if they will do the thin-wing RF-4B ?  It is obscured by the A-1 in the foreground.  I sure would like to have a proper thin wing RF-4B out of the box.

Unless they've changed the wording, the RF-4B section acknowledges that there were both 'thin' and 'thick' wing aircraft (although the description perpetuates the 12 thick wing RF-4Bs myth - there were only 10). It doesn't mention whether this will be accounted for. It also mentions the refuelling probe installation of the RF-4Bs and the curved camera bay that was installed on the last three built. Ideally there should be an 'early' and 'late' boxing similar to the F-4E kits. If they don't it would require a major conversion set to cover the differences or cross-kitting with the C or E versions. The RF-4B also has a very different rear cockpit layout to the other two - not just for the accommodation of the refuel probe on the right hand side.




If ZM does a true RF-4B thin wing, could you kit bash with their F-4C to make a ZM F-4B?

If they do the RF-4s properly I hope they'll delete the AIM-7 recesses with a new wing mould and not do what everyone who has released a RF-4 did in just giving you some blanks to glue in place. The underside is subtly different to the fighter versions so it'll just be somewhat disappointing if they go that route. If they do delete the Sparrow recesses properly then kit bashing with their F-4C would need some delicate surgery to restore them. Honestly, with the magnificent Tamiya F-4B being available it wouldn't be a practical (or cheap) option. If Z-M eventually do a F-4B/N it'll probably be the last J79 mark released, hopefully following the Spey Phantoms!


I think the JASDF RF-4Es will be first, then maybe a Kai option, followed by the RF-4C with the RF-4Bs last. It'll be interesting to see how they handle the different nose configurations since all three marks used both versions. It'd be good if we get both in the box so we can do the other operators without too much effort.



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