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For Sale - Leftover Resin Items/Decals for 1/48 A-6 Intruder

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Hello all,


I recently finished my A-6 build and have many items left over that I'll never use. Most items are for the Monogram/Revell kit but can most likely be used on the Kinetic/Hobbyboss A-6 kits with minimal or no modifications required. Some of the items are incomplete, either because I used some of the parts, or I lost them. Some of the decal sheets are untouched, while others have had some decals used. However, the "used" decals can still come in handy for some of you. The prices are without shipping and are what I believe to be "fair" for what you're getting. All items shown are sold as-is. I'll try and be as descriptive as possible to prevent a bunch of basic questions. Thanks for looking.


First, the decals:


Aeromaster Sheet 48-537   Only a few stencil markings missing from the "B" sheet. $15.00.



HDL - 48-008. New and complete. For two Marine and one Navy Intruder. Decals are super thin and in perfect register. $15.00.




Fightertown Sheet 48059 - Booming Intruders. Sheet is missing a few decals. $8.00.



Afterburner Sheet 48-080 - Five different squadrons. A few decals are missing. $10.00. SOLD!



Various seats/wheels. Everything is for the A-6/EA-6B except for one set of F-14 ejection seats. The seats closest to the center of the paper listed as "unknown" are actually from Blackbox/Avionix. Unsure of the brand for the other set of ejection seats listed as "unknown". Also, the set of wheels listed as unknown are most likely from North Star Models.



Brassin Ejection Seats - 648-293 for F-14. New and complete. $12.00.



Wolfpack A-6E Composite Wingfold Set for Revell kit. Missing a few items which can easily be scratch built. This kit is rare and hard to find. Recent search yielded nil results. Asking $30.00. The instruction sheet pic shows parts missing circled in blue.   SOLD!.




Hope some of the items can come in handy for some of you. Thanks for looking.



Edited by wardog
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Hey, sorry I don't want to buy ( I am building 2 A-6s in 1/32) But is it possible you could post a shot of the instructions for either of the AJ coded beige and tan upper wing surface?  The 1/32 scale decal I have does not show it.


Thanks, and somebody buy Wardogs stuff.

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