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Boeing 767-300ER Help Needed

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Thank you german!

This looks to be a very good kit and I could not resist that great looking marking scheme!

I went to Airliners.net and they had some great pictures of the Gulf Traveller. The windows on my kit do not match the windows on the photos. I am not able to tell for certain if the windows are not there or just simply closed. Has anyone built this model?

As the interior of this model is not there and even if it were it can not be seen, how are the windows in airliner models handled? Could I just black them out? Or is there another accepted way of dealing with this?

I ask as I am not experienced with airliners.

Edited by voodoo101
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If you want to get constructive, or frustrated, you can use Microscale Micro Krystal Kleer in each window after painting so it will look like 'glass'. It take lots of time but worth the effort. I never use the clear plastic parts that you insert from the inside.

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for the windows, i try to replicate them on a 1/144 a340. i did place some scotch tape strips inside the fuselage on the windows, build it completly and then placed polyester resin drops (the one for glassfiber)on each window of the plane... took really long time but it looked acceptable, not great as each window looked flat, but it did the work....maybe with epoxic resin or something like that it can be better...



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ipms33206, I tried on a B-17 to install the tiny windows from inside and outside. After a lot of aggravation I ended up with your solution except I used a Testors product. The results looked better and somewhat easy to do. You are right it is worth the effort. Though the windows were very fragile.

german, I like the tape idea.

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