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Airliners.net photographers

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Hey Guys,

I was just wondering if there are any airliner.net photographers out here. I just got this photo rejected because of a "bad motive" but I still don't understand how it could be a bad motive.


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Supposedly this defines a bad motive:

Your photo(s) showed a motive that is not accepted by Airliners.net. This problem may be due to a very wide range of reasons. Some examples are:

Photos that include window reflections (for shots taken through glass such as terminal windows).

Photos showing just a part of an aircraft (with no motivation for doing so, like a special sticker, damage etc.).

Photos with distracting or obstructing objects in the foreground (this is especially true for gate shots which are very difficult to get accepted due to their common nature and the large amount of equipment which usually surrounds the aircraft).

Photos that do not show an aircraft or anything sufficiently related to aviation at all.

Photos showing the date in the lower left or right corner of the image (some cameras do this, please diable this feature)

Also, certain kinds creative or artistic photos may be more prone to this problem.

Now I dont see how any of those apply here.

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Supposedly this defines a bad motive:

Photos that include window reflections (for shots taken through glass such as terminal windows).

Now I dont see how any of those apply here.

Well, there is only the PFD without any reflections on it. Maybe would have had better luck with your picture if it was dark outside, or if you made the picture from a different angle. One thing I learned while doing pictures of real a/c or models is not to have any reflections on the picture. If the sun is reflecting on the paint, I need a different angle, or move the subject. I guess the same applies to your picture, too.

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Photos that include window reflections

Close curtain when you take photo's. Is'nt it supossed to be REAL? we'll i got some pics that where rejected due to wrong category #&$*#(% :soapbox: why can't those guys change it for me?

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If it's any comfort airliners.net seem to reject many pictures for reasons that obviously isn't a problem in other pictures. I have had pictures rejected for too high contrast, wrong details, low quality etc., and yet I find loads of pictures there that are grainy, tilted and have wrong information.

I have now come to the point where I don't want to waste my time and effort trying to get a picture accepted there anymore (I do have around 15-20 pictures there I think). It simpy isn't worth the effort to try to guess what the moderators want you to do with the picture.



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Don´t take Airliners.net seriously!

There are many pics which are in the wrong category. And

many pics which are....crap.

A colleague of mine is a spotter and he puts his pics on www.planepictures.net

Judge for your self, his "photographer" name is FAN.

He tried A.net ,but so far only one shot made it. And that wasn´t even his best.

Cheers David :soapbox:

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Must be the reflection indeed. Guess we all get loads of rejects when sending pics to A-net especially when you just start doing it.

After a while you'll find you get more and more pics accepted. Right now I have 48 pics on there with an acceptance ratio of 64% which increases now with every pic I upload as I'm more careful as to what I upload. Especially in the beginning I've had loads rejected for bad info and bad level.


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For me it's simple, i don't upload photo's anymore to them, they rejected also a couple of pic's of me, and i was also surprised.

Now, why, i asked myself, is it me, or them.......well, it's them, when they reject a photo like this one, they can't taken serious.

An example : just look for Airbus A320 or A319 pic's, you will find hundreds of them, and mostly in the same angle of shooting, all photo's, that, when you see one, you see them all, and nobody's cryin about it............ :sunrevolves:

No Airliners for me anymore. :rolleyes: :o

Davamoplanes :wave:

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Airliners.net loves the unusual above all else. Nice shot of a Northwest 747-400? It'll be rejected because it's not an unusual angle, special anniversary sticker, mis-painted cowling, or something else. They don't want it if it's simply a "good shot", it has to be "interesting" in some way. IMHO a 744 is plenty interesting in and of itself.

Pokemon 747? Send it in, they've got 5,000 pics of it, they want 5,000 more. It's a *special* scheme. :sunrevolves:

My guess is the 777 cockpit photo was rejected simply because it was a normal situation simply sitting on the ground, which they already have. Now, if it was displaying an engine failure or was showing mach .94 it'd be the photo of the day.

Really technically, "bad motive" means they're asking you "why did you take this photo? It's not interesting/unusual enough to be "worth" taking a photo of". They only want the weird/unusual. Or anything older than 1998 to build up their historical archives.

PS---none of the other sites are really better. Very inconsistent. I know a guy who sends to Planepictures, Jetphotos, and Airliners.net---and they are all very different. A.net will reject photos that become #1 at Jetphotos, and Planepictures has rejected photos that became #1 at Airliners.net

Edited by David Hingtgen
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Koen L,

Not bashing, just venting. I love the site and check it out regulalrly.

By the way, when I saw your banner at the bottom of your signature I just about fell out of my chair laughing!

Good Form! Good Form!



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