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Yes, if you do a search for F-14 Ejection seats in 48th scale they will work just as well for you. The differences between the two are minor and are not noticable to any scale under 1/32. The differences, if I remember right, had to do with the rocket motors and the catapult rails and the timing circuts.

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Actually, there is a difference in size/shape in the 1/48 GRU-7 seats. I use Verlinden's F-14 version alot ( because I build alot of F-14's) and there are some minor differences in the size/shape.

For starters, the F-14's seats are wider, especially at the base of the seat. The A-6 seats are narrower all around. Verlinden's GRU-7A seats for the A-6/EA-6B are the best and most accurate you can find. However, they do suffer from having the seat belts in the same position.

True Details seats are off in terms of their size. They look nice in a Revell-ogram F-14, but that's about it.

Edited by VF-103guy
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