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Does anybody remember?

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Bake in the late 60's there was a series of kits that had " battle damaged " parts included. I remember an A-4 Skyhawk and a Phantom.

It's been so long but I think the scale would have been 1/72 or approx that. I can't remember the maker but it was something like EMF ..


Thanks, HEnry

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Sounds interesting, I wonder why no aftermarketcompany thought about that before?

Ok, then again, nowadays, people are very aware of references and will check which BuNo etc. had which damage and when etc.. Any more info? Would be cool to see/know!


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I do remember the kits but I thought it was Revell or Monogram that put them out. On rare occasions I've seen them show up on eBay but it's been quite a while now sinse I saw the last one listed. There's also a hobby shop over in Greeley, CO that has a lot of older kits and I may have seen one there as well.

Edited by David Walker
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I remember those, issued by IMC. Also a MiG-21 and F-100.

Interesting idea, but the battle-damage was actually pretty extensive, with large chunks of paneling shot/blown away, which in my opinion in most cases would probably make the aircraft unflyable (At least the MiG pilot is punching out!). Very much akin to something you'd see on a WWII bomber (Probably the inspiration, and an airframe that could absorb that much damage). Interesting none the less, and certainly collector-status now.

Here's the boxtop to the Skyhawk kit made by IMC (picture from the www.skyhawk.org site) . . .


The MiG-21 from ebay . . .


The F-100, also from ebay . . .


The RF-4B, ebay again . . .


Edited by f14peter
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I saw them under the IMAI brand in the 70's here in the UK.

I remember looking in the RF-4C box (no poly-seal in thoise days)

at a time when even the Matchbox Phantom was deemed 'acceptable'

and deciding not to buy it.

Probably is heading towards collector status, but 'crude' was my first impression.

Good idea though, if it was done properly.

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:D :D Thanks Guys!!!! I knew I wasn't dreaming!!! I would love to buy one !!!!!!!!

Go to the vendors at a model show. I see them there all the time. They're not very expensive.

The ones in Peter's pictures are silver plastic. I remember them as being in a milky translucent white plastic from when I was a kid.

Edited by Grey Ghost 531
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Built the Phantom in that series. If I recall correctly there was a battle damaged wing which showed an exposed section bulging upward as if it had been hit fron underneath.


Whoever designed it provided a damaged upper wing surface while the lower half showed no corresponding damage. :thumbsup:

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