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Quick F-14 question

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Far from it.

The Revell 1/72 F-14D is much easier to assemble and the price is much friendlier.

However, they have deeeeep panel lines which even without preshading nor wash will stand out very prominently. The details are decent. The decals are fantastic and is worthy of the yellow trangle with the "Super Decal" on it.

The Hasegawa kit is much more detailed and accurate (actually the Revell kit is pretty accurate too) and have P.E sets to enhance the model. However, its fit isnt something that I fancy. The decals are so-so but usable OOB. Hasegawa have more options to pose the kit i.e. ladders, open canopies, open airbrakes and dropped flaps whch are all absent in the Revell kit. The Revell kit however, have swingable wings. :worship:

Oh forgot to mention, the Revell kit have alot of weapons to go along. Although a LANTIRN is absent, its much better compared to the Hasegawa kit.

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