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Word Game - will this catch on???

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A couple of CODGERS in an Irish band told of her as we CRUISED the Swan River one night.

An ornamental SHRUB or two spaced just so, MAY balance the ANGUISH of the mis- MATCHING pillars.

The LODGERS were CRUSHED by the thorny SHRUBBERY. :action-smiley-081:


on MAGIC carpets that MATCHED each others.... :kissing2: :kissing2:

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....On alert for the angry cat GROWLING in the corner. They all WATCHED as one poor soul armed with nothing but a BROOM attempted to evict the malcontent feline. None were AMUSED.

The COWLING was opened and its details were like that of a Swiss made WATCH. :smiley-transport006:

The BROOM was used to sweep the ROOM clean as it had AMASSED quite a lot of dust. :threadworthlesswithoutpics:

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The sound of CROWING woke the hens in the HATCH shed, a ROOMY shed with MORE nest boxes for broody hens to nestle like society MADAMS.

the fat CROWS ate the CORN and the farmer Hatched a plan. :redx:

He was going to use a BROOM to swipe at them and get rid of them MERELY because he was losing MONEY and was feeling like a

MADMAN. :485c3a61:

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So Grant, LUMPING everything together, hope your modelling kits is BUMPED up and you

had a BUMPER of a Christmas and Happy New Year.

I guess you were STUMPED in buying gifts eh?..


I'm STUMPED if we get TRUMPED!

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I'm STUMPED, as I got TRUMPED during Christmas....I didn't have the funds to do what I wanted to..so now I sit SLUMPED in my wheelie

The elephant HUMPED and STOMPED his way through the forest. :tumble:

So I have never been so close to a SLUFF.


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The elephant HUMPED and STOMPED his way through the forest. :tumble:/>

So I have never been so close to a SLUFF.


I felt CHUMPED the other day but then i STOPPED and realized it was all just FLUFF! :nanner:

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I felt CHUMPED the other day but then i STOPPED and realized it was all just FLUFF! :nanner:/>


are you still CHOMPING through the Christmas hamper I sent you.. Can't you STOP resisting the Whiskey

cake and all the gooey FLUFFY jams and biscuits ! :wave: :wub:

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