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This mourning a I get to thin down the landing doors, and add some masking tape to the inside part so it can have "something"... :P. All landing doors will get the same treatment.


Here the "guys" that will companion my F-5A, the pilot is from the old monogram F-4 1/72, and the crew is from the ESCI's Mirage F1, this version of the Mirage includes some ground crew, so I stole one :nanner:

Don't know if the pilot is correct, considering it came from a NAVY plane... <_<, but.....I like it :banana:




Edited by Ivan T.
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Future coat applied, decals applied, but the Solvaset (Walthers) and the Future when mix, they make some white spots, maybe is the glue in the decals. But not to worry, another coat of Future corrects this situation. Pics of the issue.




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Simply great all over work!

Edit: On the upper left intake,is the putty broken? :D

I think that's the Future white spotting he mentioned. Another coat of Future will make them disappear.

I wish I could free-hand camoflage that well! I guess I should practice more.

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Thank you guys! :D

Edit: On the upper left intake,is the putty broken? :lol:

Is not broken :lol: , the top side is part of a panel line, and in the joint with the wing, is just reflection of the glossy finish.


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WOW! :blink: :cheers:

That looks DANGED impressive there. To me, this is probably the finest example that you don't necessarily need the best kit out there to do a great model. I can see that you've put a lot of love into that model and I think the results speak for themselves. I've always loved the F-5 and seeing this model makes me love it even more.


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Jay Chladek, as you said "...you don't necessarily need the best kit out there to do a great model...", as you can see, still is a long way for me from been a good modeler :cheers: , also compensate I'm not able to spend the kind of $$ on a Hasegawa, tamiya, etc :cheers:

Thank you very much for your comment :cheers:


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