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About Tintriangle

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    Glue Required

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  1. Tintriangle

    Zvezda C-130

    Just tried to PM you for the Talon references but think your inbox might be full as not sending? Thanks
  2. Excellent build & finish - one to be proud of for sure!
  3. 3D print AGM-119 available here - Penguin 2 & 3 versions https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/403783683174?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=cmta4emysca&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=jDMTvb7rQSG&var=673685870410&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. Dear all, I'm on the hunt for either Isracast or Wingman's A-4H IAF conversion set if anyone has a spare they'd be willing to sell. Thanks for looking. Best regards, Sam
  5. Dear all, I'm looking to purchase the Fisher F.8 Meteor conversion if anyone has a set they would be willing to part with. Many thanks, Sam
  6. No worries - resin wheels and vac canopy also available here by the same manufacturer: https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/mastercasters-1/IROQUOIS-MODELS-DETAIL-SETS/_i.html?_storecat=30538819014
  7. Seats in stock here: https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/IQM48017?result-token=xeLuj
  8. Dear all, I'm missed the boat on the Steel Beach KA-6D conversion so if any one has one available to sell in 1/48 or 1/32 I would be most grateful. Regards, Sam
  9. Pm sent: FISHER MODELS 1/32 Hawker Sea Fury T Mk 20 Trainer (3207) $200
  10. Pm sent: ZOUKEI-MURA 1/32 Focke-Wulf Ta152H-1 Slipstream Edition (SP02) $100
  11. EF-111 Sparkvark Cutting Edge 72-048 $10.00 PM sent
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