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F-4J VF-84 "Jolly Rogers" Late 1971

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Hi All,

I am finalizing the F-4J VF-84 late 1971 versions.

Decals will be includes Cartograf printed National insignia red warnig intake triangles and Yellow chevrons.

Others are printed via Dry transfers. and will be reelased 1/32nd, 1/48th and 1/72nd scales.

With A2 size full poster instruction will be included. :touche:

Now I am searching pilotsnames or other modex information.

This version shows:

White Radome.

Six stars on vertical fins.

No white Bu. No. on the vertical fin.

Black pilot names on the yellow back.

I am drawing based on the one photo from Page 26 Squadron Publications C&M series vol.17 U.S> Navy F-4 Phantoms and and two photos from VF-84 part of US Navy F-4 Phantoms Pt.1 from Aero Research Co. CD-rom version.

Here is the profiles of 200 155868


and 201 157298


and one of Hasegawa kit shows 206 155868.

I think Mod 200 155868 changed to 206 after some times.

If you provide these information or other Modexes references, I will send one set after printing to him/her.

Of course I would credit his/her name on the instruction manuals.

If no one provides any information, I would release without Pilot names.

The dead line is 14th Feb. because I would release by 1st March. :bandhead2:

Good Luck!

From Kim

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Thank you Jeremy, Andrew and Brian!

Surely your interesing help me anyway.

And any good result or not can help me to refer.

I will credit all you and belonged personnel on this manual and I will ship one set each to you and them after releasing.

And Brian please send me your information, I think I can check this with others.

And is there any one who can write the F-4 related VF-84 Squadron story?

I would add these brief comments on the manual.

And my PM is fulled so please send me anything to me Email help@hobbydecal.com

All our products have been made with You! :whistle:

Good Luck!

Keumho Kim

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Granted, I'm not a VF-84 F-4 historian, but from what pics I've found as f the last couple days, it didn't appear that the jets had crew names on some occasions, others they did.

I'd say either way, if Andrew's, Jeremy's, or my information can't help you, you'd still be safe releasing the sheet without the crew names.

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Hello Kim, and all,

I've stumbled upon this thread (very luckily) and hope to make a small contribution by way of providing some BuNo/Modex information. The photos I'm posting here are not mine and have been gathered from a variety of sources for my own use. I'm unable to credit the photgraphers - no infringement of copyright is intended! Unfortunately, the pics are not large enough to show crew names, but have been posted merely to help correlate BuNo with a Modex; where the the time frame is given, it's vague at best. After all that, I hope they are of some use.

Firstly, F-4Js:

155868 AE206 from the port side -


155854 AE212, apparently in 1972 -


And now, not wishing to complicate matters (but I do love these markings), F-4Ns, which carried similar markings (no stars on the tail, fewer arrowheads in the fuselage band it seems) after VF-84 converted from -Js:

150415 AE224 -


150489 AE206, in 1975 -


151448 AE210 -


I wish you well Kim in your endeavours, and I'm really grateful to the original photographers for capturing these images.



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:thumbsup: :lol: JACKPOT! :yahoo::yahoo:

Not only do I know the names, but my friend has put me in contact with the gentleman who was XO during the 1971 cruise! Don Hanna was XO during the 1971 cruise (became the CO after that cruise). He's going to scan and send me all the pictures he's got of Jolly Roger Phantoms. I'll send all of those to you once I get them, Kim! :)

Edited by Skull Leader
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Yes 155868 change to 206 after some time

I've found this photo in 06/1972 Koku-fan. Sorry but I don't understand japanese :cheers:


Thank you Lucio,

The picture says

"THis is the same kind of Oceana Base Phantom II.

(above picture) F-4 of The 84th Victory fighting "Jolly Rogers" (VF-84).

This show "AE" code letter and belongs tothe USS ROOSEVELT.

Vertical tail has Pirate shape image and that is their Nickname."

as Andrew says "the photo speaks ALL languages!"

Thank you and you confirmed me that the 4inch Bu. number has no 2inch "F-4J" above and little triangle on the right.

Good Luck!

From Kim

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Granted, I'm not a VF-84 F-4 historian, but from what pics I've found as f the last couple days, it didn't appear that the jets had crew names on some occasions, others they did.

I'd say either way, if Andrew's, Jeremy's, or my information can't help you, you'd still be safe releasing the sheet without the crew names.

Yep, jsut I am doing my best... :cheers:

Good luck!

From Kim

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Hello Kim, and all,

I've stumbled upon this thread (very luckily) and hope to make a small contribution by way of providing some BuNo/Modex information. The photos I'm posting here are not mine and have been gathered from a variety of sources for my own use. I'm unable to credit the photgraphers - no infringement of copyright is intended! Unfortunately, the pics are not large enough to show crew names, but have been posted merely to help correlate BuNo with a Modex; where the the time frame is given, it's vague at best. After all that, I hope they are of some use.

I wish you well Kim in your endeavours, and I'm really grateful to the original photographers for capturing these images.



THank you Andrew. Any photo I refer for my products even this may have not been adapted on directly.

Yep these Photograpers have made modellers have chance to meet the Legends.

Good Luck!

From Kim

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Not only do I know the names, but my friend has put me in contact with the gentleman who was XO during the 1971 cruise! Don Hanna was XO during the 1971 cruise (became the CO after that cruise). He's going to scan and send me all the pictures he's got of Jolly Roger Phantoms. I'll send all of those to you once I get them, Kim! :)

:blink: HURRAH! :woo:

You may make me reset my drawing and strategy for this project. :cheers:

Thank you, you are really Hobbydecal's Main researcher. :cheers:

Good Luck!

From Kim

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He's still digging through his pictures... all he's sent me so far is pictures of F-4Ns (damn GOOD pictures, I might add), but he's still digging through what he has. I'll keep you posted! :)

Yep any photo can be helpful. I am eagerly waiting now.

But take it easy, I can delay the whole project with getting references.

Thank you.

Keumho Kim

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I love the travel pod on 210...has the old Vagabonds stripe that disappeared when its colors were reversed after the Vietnam Cruise in B's....

I also noticed thsi stripes on some fuel tanks and travel pod but at thsi time I would not add these band mainly because I have no photos on this project scheme another reason is that I've already received from Cartograf the National Insignia and Chevrons decals.

I've almost confirmed just add 200 and 201 jets without names on the rail.

If I can get the information of these names, I would print addtional small decals and share and supply these addition(I really hope I can get these information)

All you helped me in digging.

You can meet this project decals at early March.

Good Lcuk!

From Kim

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi All,

Finally I am finalizing this project with your help!

For last two weeks, I have upgraded our Computer System with Intel new Processors and 4Giga Rams.

And also we have newly installed Windows Ultimate Vista and Corell Draw X3 version.

(I have been using Adobe CS and waiting upgrade CS3)

Now all the tunings are finished and now I am using with more steady system than Xp.

In the Meantime, I Finalize the Manual of this Project.



I mentioned you at "Acknowledgements" section of this manual.

And these sets will be released at 19th March.

Good Luck!

Keumho Kim

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