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1:48 Hasegawa F/A-18F Super Hornet

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Good Evening folks :wave:

I have decided to go with the Navy bird that replaced the Tomcat... Although the CAG birds are flashy, I find the low viz birds very non-boring. Maybe since I haven't built many models to date. Anyhow, the buno is 166627 which is a lot 27, which is ACS equipped and has the 8x10 screen in the WSO pit and the newer ECS pipes. Thanks to Steel Beach, it is possible to make this build happen.

Progress is slow for awhile since I am obligated to work 6 days a week... Hopefully work slows down by the fall. In this build I hope to concentrate on improving my building skills as far as gluing parts, filling, sanding, and the basic construction.

This ought to be enough to get started.... kit was purchased from a fellow ARCer


I will try out the Fightertown brand decals... They include logos for the pilots, so that means I may have to include them for this build :D


....and the whole 9 yards... much of this AM came as a package deal :woot.gif:


Starting the build with the Aires gear bays... (How is a guy supposed to paint these???)


I broke out the Dremmel tool...


I originally wanted to add hoses and piping, but the gear bays are one piece, which would make it very difficult to work on the sidewalls <_<




Phew... I saved it...


And finally, a bit of dry-fitting... and Jake's book for primary reference :thumbsup:


I am in the process of detail painting the gear bays, so some more pics soon :cheers:


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Rob, thanks for the encouragement :rolleyes: I am pleased that I didn't destroy a $50 model right off the get go....

WhiteWolf, working for a living sure sucks, doesn't it?

Wolfgun33, glad you could stop by...

Brian, thanks man. Slow and steady.

Hornet97, I assume you like F-18 Hornets :thumbsup:

Clioguy, you're too kind. Hopefully things go as good as the Tomcat build went :pray:

Janne, I thought of trying your technique, but I was going for a cleaner wheel bay this time around. After hours of detail painting, it's a bit too late to turn back now. I already found your Super Bug thread for reference.

Thanks for your interest guys :cheers:


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JohnS, I wish you had more time for modelling as well, since you do such nice work.

Hornet97, glad you can make use out of my F-14 build. Make sure to post some pics of your models when you are finished :thumbsup:

Jmel, your book is awesome!!! There is really no need for any other references and I really love all of your other subjects as well.

Keeto, if I get into a bind, hopefully you guys that are watching will bail me out :hmmm:

I managed to get the Aires wheel bays painted, with the help of my 12/0 round paint brush, a high powered LED head lamp and my -3.75 cheater glasses :blink:

White fine surface primer was decanted, followed by Tamiya white XF-2... Detail painting was done using MM enamels thinned about 1:1. Capillary action is your friend when painting this crap....

Here's what everything turned out...


Here they are before a Flory dark wash.... Also I exclusively used Jake's book as a reference here, since these pics are hard to come by.


Next time I do these Aires bays I don't think I will use a wash. It was difficult to get a smooth finish, therefore the wash was difficult to remove. Also with all of the fine detail provided by the AM, it's almost impossible to remove the wash in a lot of places... I am still happy with the outcome, but there is always room for improvements <_<


I should clip that thumb nail :hmmm:




And some shots of the nose gear bay...





I know. There are many photos, but I am pleased with the finish... I would prefer the look of added tubing and wiring, but as I said before it would be very difficult for me to add details with the boxed in gear bays that the kits has to offer.

I've been tinkering with fitting the Aires cockpit and the nose gear bay... These parts DO NOT fit well. Aires should have made the nose gear bay about 2mm shorter height-wise for an easy installation. Thanks for looking in :cheers:


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Hey Jesse - those bays look amazing! Truly inspiring. I built this same kit last year, with decent results but I think my painting skills (or lack of) let me down in the end. After watching what you did with the cat - I'm excited to see what you do with this superbug!

Oh yeah - watch out for the fit of the lower nose section under the cockpit. I ended up with a big ridge just in front of the windscreen and another between the intakes.

Edited by Skinny_Mike
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Great looking wells, dude!!! :worship:

About washes, you could always do a pin wash wich you don´t have to remove and make it a very thin one. :D

Thanks Janne, I will keep that in the back of my mind :rolleyes:

Sweet can you show us how to paint all those small details

Neo, I paint the wells white, then coat with acrylic gloss clear.... I then paint the detail colors with a highly thinned MM enamel paint ( 2-3 coats). Basically touch your brush to the wiring and tubing and it will just run itself around the wiring automatically. I do this 2-3 times until I get good coverage. With the acrylic gloss clear coat, I am able to use a paint brush dipped in mineral spirits to clean off the excess.... It's a long and painful process (about 15 different sessions). Patience is key here. When frustration sets in simply put your stuff away for another day <_< Maybe I will do a step by step on the cockpit, when I get that far....

I like how you put the labels on the lines (yellow and blue stickers) and painted all the p clamps. Great job!

Thanks Aggressor1 :D It took a lot of patience, but I think it was worth it.

Fantastic detail in the wells :worship:

Thanks man :D

uuuh another great model by Jesse. I'm with it !

Wheel bays look awesome.

Cheers, Patrick

Cheers Patrick, I appreciate it.

Jesse, the wheel wells look outstanding! Looking forward to seeing much more!



Thanks for looking in Marcel :rolleyes: Very nice to hear from you.

Hey Jesse - those bays look amazing! Truly inspiring. I built this same kit last year, with decent results but I think my painting skills (or lack of) let me down in the end. After watching what you did with the cat - I'm excited to see what you do with this superbug!

Oh yeah - watch out for the fit of the lower nose section under the cockpit. I ended up with a big ridge just in front of the windscreen and another between the intakes.

Much appreciation Mike :thumbsup: Thanks for the heads up... And the added stress from jamming the Aires pit and wheel well is gonna make the fit even uglier <_<

Thanks again for your interest guys :thumbsup: If I can stop looking at everyone elses models, maybe I could get something done on the Super Bug :blink:



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Hey Jesse thanks for the info one of the main part that i was missing was this

With the acrylic gloss clear coat, I am able to use a paint brush dipped in mineral spirits to clean off the excess..
Maybe I will do a step by step on the cockpit, when I get that far....

Please do

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Good afternoon everyone,

Here's my weekend progress report. The fit of the Aires cockpit and the nose gear bay is not so good... I have managed to jam them into the front fuselage, but not without some repercussions <_< I managed to sand right through the floor of the tub to make it fit. I figure that the seats will cover most of the damage and since it's gonna have pilots and a closed canopy, so I don't really care that much....

Wafer thin floor boards and some added in-floor air vents :P I just with that the AM could be a bit more user friendly for what they are getting $$ for this stuff <_<


Fit of the nose gear bay is so-so.... Will need to add some plastic card to fill the voids.


Here's the gap after sanding to the Aires demarcation lines.... :o


And after sanding holes in the floor and taking plastic out wherever humanly possible... It'll work, not great, but it'll work ;)


Time to do some more Dremmel damage :chain-gun:


Making room for the AM coaming, which is also a bad fit -_-


Here's an exploded view of the Hasegawa Navy pilot.... Seam lines were sanded and Extremities are cut so I can pose the arms how I want.


Since the Avionix cockpit were included in my package deal.... I decided to use the ACS IP and coaming since they look very nice :rolleyes: Also as I was trying to re-shape the Steel Beach ACS and I wound up murdering it <_< Here is the WSO officer dry-fitted and partially glued. I will have to do some filling and sanding on his limbs before permanent gluing and detail painting. As far as the oxygen hose goes, I will be letting it hang there without connecting it since this is a closed canopy anyway..... But I do plan on fitting the canopy very nicely so I can take it on and off for show :D


The coaming is just dry-fitted so I will get rid of that nasty gap later...



I am starting a new job tomorrow, which hopefully is only five days a week.... Unfortunately, I won't get my month or two off like I usually have since this job will last almost a year.... On the positive side, I will have plenty to spend on models and AM :wub: Thanks for tuning in and keep pluggin' away :cheers:


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