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Posts posted by HGE

  1. I don't think the Monogram kit comes up short at all . If anything with spinner it is slighty to long.

    When I first got the Monogram kit ( lucky find) I thought it was some kind of box scale but after my research I was amazed to find it very good for such an old kit.

  2. Some of the decals I have portray 3 different upper wing roundels; ( red/white/blue... type A??) ( red/blue..type b ) ( red/white/blue yello... type ??)

    Can I use whatever I like if I'm not doing a particular aircraft?... In other words... I would like to avoid using all " b" roundels on the upper wings if I could...

    Thanks, Henry

  3. Some of the decals I have portray 3 different upper wing roundels; ( red/white/blue... type A??) ( red/blue..type :thumbsup: ( red/white/blue yello... type ??)

    Can I use whatever I like if I'm not doing a particular aircraft?... In other words... I would like to avoid using all " b" roundels on the upper wings if I could...

    Thanks, Henry

  4. I've finished painting 2 of the 3 spitfires I've recently built. One is a standard MkVIII with light gray/gray/green. One is a MkIX LF with azure blue/ middlestone/ Dark earth..

    The third Spit is a pointed wing MkVIII.....

    Could somebody give me an accurate paint job that would be different from the Spits above?

    I've heard of a " high altitude " but I don't know Specifically what colors that would be...

    ( I use MM enamal paints)

    I would love to do dark earth and green but I don't think that would be right... or could I get away with it?

    Help Help ... none of my research materials give me any CLEAR idea!!!!!

    Thanks so much, Henry

  5. I mostly build 1/72... for reasons of room.. plus I just love the scale.


    I came across this site I thought everyone would enjoy. If you haven't seen these models prepare to be

    inspired and humbled..

    Please paste the link into you address bar... ( I forgot how to do a hyperlink... getting old :thumbsup: )


    p.s. this is just one airplane.. please take the time to view the 1/3 scale car

    ENJOY!!!!!! Henry

  6. I'm still working on a group of Spitfires . I'm about ready to paint 3 of them. One of the three is a " pointed wing" MKVIII. MY question is, could I paint this Spit PRU Blue and be acurate or does it need to be a Photo Recon Spit to be accurate in PRU blue?

    Thanks, Henry

  7. Sorry for being so short... I do all my internet stuff from work.. so.. well.. ..anyway..

    The color is close to an aircraft light gray.. Specifically I'm doing one of my spitfires Like the U.S. Army Air Force MkVIII shown on Hasegawa kit 00723

    Thanks again, Henry

  8. Thanks Mungo!! The Peter Moss book I have seems to agree. I have another question ..

    The Hasegawa 1/72 pointed wing spite is shown without the broad cord rudder is this correct?

    All the pictures I can find of a pointed wing use the broad cord rudder..

    I want to depict a MkVII...HF...any advice?

  9. :D Thanks for the quick reply guys!! I kinda thought that the green was probably not correct since in all the photos I have I cannot discern a shade difference.. Then I saw that walk-around.. oh well

    I didn't know that about the fine!! I've never seen a parked spit with the flaps down....Hmmm....would make an interesting little diorama..LOL :thumbsup:

    Thanks again, Henry

  10. I'm working on a group of spitfires and am getting ready to do the main painting..( 6 different spits.. 6 different paint jobs) So far I have already painted the wheel wells the same pale green as the cockpit. I got this impresion from one of the " walk around" profiles. Is this correct? Or, should they be natural meatel?

    Also, one of the spits will have flap detail shown... should inner surface detail be this pale green also or, again, natural metal?

    Thank you for your help, Henry

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