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Posts posted by USMC

  1. im doing glencoe's maritime work horses model and i am working on the steam ship. and i was wondering if there are any references available for that ship or is it just a general idea on what the ship is if anybody can help please. its in 1/200 or 1/400 scale.

  2. PF and MF are VERY different birds. Almost nothing alike other than the basic central section of the fuselage, landing gear and intake.

    -Dorsal Spine: totally different shapes, the MF being almost a straight line from canopy to tail, the PF being large in front and small/narrow in front of the tail.

    -Canopy: PF has a one-piece canopy opening forward. MF has a 3-paned fixed windscreen with a canopy that opens sideways.

    -Underwing Pylons: 2 on the PF, 4 on the MF

    -Ventral Cannon: MF has a 2-barreled cannon pack aft of the nosegear; PF has no gun at all.

    -Vertical Tail: MF has a wide-chord (large area) tail. PF has a very noticably narrower tail. Also earlier PF's had no parachute canister at the base of the tail, another very noticable difference

    -Pitot boom: PF has a large boom mounted on the midline/center. MF has it offset to the side with angled vanes near the tip.

    -AOA vane: the MF has a small fairing on the port side of the nose for the AOA vane. No such equipment on the PF.

    Trying to turn one into the other would be a total nightmare.

    thanks a bunch for saving me the nightmare. i looked more into it they all look the same and it looks like a bad idea waiting to happin haha! thanks a lot.

  3. What era?? Eather one can be used for a 60's or 70's era Mig-21.


    the 60's or 70's i want to make the f4 and the mig around the same era. i was shooting for the F4j and i didnt know which type of mig it would of normally went up against.

  4. whats the difference between the mig 21 pf and the mig 21 mf im doing revells mig 21 ace's box the one with the f4 phantom with it and i want to do a mig that was in that era thanks for your help.

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