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Everything posted by AtomicBomber

  1. Thanks for the reply Gator52, Yeah I'm seeing light gray in P-38 guy's pics as well. I just wasn't sure if the pics I been going by were affected by other sources, making the color look darker then it really was. And thanks for the FS# I would've never guessed. Regards.
  2. Thank you for the reply Andre, Chromate flat 1584 and White FS 27875. I guess that's it then. But it's strange, in some photos I'm sure my eyes are seeing a tint of gray in some Buff gear bays and doors. Hey thanks again for the help Andre.
  3. Hello, I bought a old B-52H AMT/Ertl Kit on line and the kit was sold as is. With the color legend sheet missing. I know the real current plane is painted overall gunship gray. But I have no idea what the interior landing gear bays and doors are. I assumed gloss white but after looking at recent web pics, I can't really tell if it's a gloss white, or a really light shade of gray. If anybody knows the name or FS# of the correct color in that area of the plane I'd appreciate it. Thanks and regards.
  4. That's great to hear. Will you be making a sniper pod and ALE-50 dispensers for the 1/48 bone?
  5. The Eduard's Exhaust Set looks complex good luck with them. I'm gonna order a set a little later down the road. They really look like a nightmare. Eduard's accessories kit for the B-1 looks good too. I just ordered a set today. Hopefully those kits will upgrade the model somewhat. Thanks for the replies.
  6. Well that figures. Looks like Eduard made add-on part kits for the Bone that are still around that's something I guess. Thanks for the reply.
  7. Hello, Just wondering if there's been any new resin kits put out for the 1/48 B-1B lately? I looked through forum history and there was talk about Two Mikes coming out with stuff but nothing on there web site for B-1B's. Also Shawn Hull's Resin web page says he's closed down for a while. Read that he made a real good ALE-50 dispenser for the Mono kit. Hope this ain't the end of B-1B aftermarket items. After I just got started building the B-1B kit :) Thanks for any info, Regards.
  8. Thanks for the reply Majortomski. That makes since about paint adding weight. Though I would assume some kind of anti corrosion substance is used. But that's a guess I don't know. I looked up online and saw a few pictures here and there of the minuteman lll and I saw a few with different textures of color but like you stated that could be the alodine finishes. It almost looks like a copper color. Thanks.
  9. Hi, This may be a odd question but I wonder if anyone knows what FS paint colors if any are used on the Minuteman lll ICBM's. I seen pictures online of them painted white and black and then some with zinc green and a odd brown metallic color also. But I can't really tell if there's a standard paint scheme used or not. I ask because I'm building a old Monogram missile kit in 1/144 scale. Thanks for any help.
  10. Thanks for the reply GGoheen, ''Not sure what particular brand of paint you're using'' I used Krylon dull aluminum for the paint and for lacquers I own the spray can stuff by Model Masters and Testors. ''Be sure the entire bomber has been meticulously sanded down to remove any and all flaws with MicroMesh sandcloth....4000 grit should more than suffice.'' Never heard of this MicroMesh sandcloth I'll have to look it up. ''Prep the surface with several light coats of Mr. Surfacer 1200.....2-3 should be fine.'' Never heard of this stuff neither I'll have to see if my local hobby shop carri
  11. Hi, I have a few questions: #1 What would be the best lacquer overcoat to use for a all B-29 Aluminum finish for sealing the decals? #2 I painted the model in dull aluminum and I'm about to put on the decals but I'm wondering since the dull aluminum is still kind of shinny, do I need to put a gloss-coat first? #3 A worker at my local hobby shop said a semi-gloss overcoat for a B-29 would be best to use. But will I still have to use a gloss-coat before decals, or just put decals on and just spray the semi-lacquer over decals? Thanks for any help or tips. Regards.
  12. Hi, I'm trying to make a replica of the B-29 Enola Gay from the Monogram 1/48 kit. Since the kit comes with the Little Boy and Fat man bombs I figured why not. But I've run into the problem of figuring out what color was the Little boy bomb painted. I've seen museum pictures of it painted in steel blue and then I've read it was really painted a gloss dark Olive Drab. Internet searches have not giving me much help for some odd reason. So does anyone know the true color the bomb was painted in? Also if there was any special markings put on the bomb before it's use? Last question I hav
  13. Thanks DutyCat, your post have been a great help. I will follow the sequence you have given. Lucky for me I didn't rush into putting the lacquers on or decals yet. I'm glad I asked for help first. Thanks again, regards.
  14. Thanks for the repley DutyCat. How long do you wait after applying the decals to put the next cote if gloss on the model. Should you wait 24 hours for the decals to dry or can you do it in the same day?
  15. Ah, okay thanks. I just wasn't sure if you needed the second gloss coat or not. I'm glad I don't because I just have enough lacquer left for one coat.
  16. Hi, I know this question gets asked a lot but I'm confused on applying gloss and dull lacquers. After painting the model I know you must spray on a gloss cote and then put the decals on and this is where I'm confused. Do you just spray one coat of gloss before the decals go on and then the dull cote? Or do you have to spray a other cote of gloss lacquer over the placed decals and then the final dull cote? Is the sequence gloss cote, decals, gloss cote and finally dull cote? I'm using Testors lacquers and working with Cutting edge decals for a 1/48 B-1B. Thanks for any help, Regards.
  17. For some reason I can't find the pinup girl decals at the Starshipmodeller.com web site link you gave?
  18. Thanks SonyKen, and everyone else for the help. Best regards.
  19. Perfect thanks just what I was looking for. But is there a way to tell the scale in that Meteor site I havn't seen any scale info. The B-17 model is a 1/72 I'm building.
  20. I'm building a World War Two B-17 bomber and the kit didn't come with any painted lady decal for the planes nose. Most B-17s I've seen in the old footage have a pinup style painting of women on the nose. Anyone know of any sources or model web site where I can get a decal like the ones in WW2?
  21. I'm building a 1/72 B-52H model and I'm done painting it and now I'm at the step were I need to apply the gloss and dullcote. My question is does one really need to apply the lacquers on the whole model top and bottom? I ask this because the B-52 does not really have much decals. Most go on the sides of the fuselage. No decals go on the bottom of the planes wings or top. So it seems like a waste of lacquer IMO to do the whole thing if no decals go on the top or bottom part. What should I do?
  22. Those pictures are a big help thanks Aim9xray.
  23. Ah okay thanks. The instruction for the OOP AMT B-52H kit is wrong about the color being Aircraft gray FS 16473 then. I kind of thought that was odd.
  24. Anyone know the latest color of the B-52H wheel wells? I'm building the AMT B-52H kit and the instructions say the 1990's wheel wells were painted Light Aircraft Gray. But I can't see them that color for some reason I always thought all landing gear bays and components were painted gloss white. Thanks for any information.
  25. Hey thanks for the advice everyone I appreciate it. I think I'll go with the bare metal finish just because I can't seem to find the right shade of gray I need in spray can. If I had a airbrush I would have finished the model months ago with the right color. Thanks again, Regards.
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