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About Gozer

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  1. Colin - not familiar with the 299 version. Can you shoot me a picture/description? Thanks, Gozer
  2. All, Looking to see if anyone has the RVHP 1/72 PB-1W Conversion Set. Thanks, Gozer
  3. Anyone have a good contact for Kitty Hawk? I recently picked up their UH-1N in 1/48th, and the instruction manual was missing pages. I tried the email address on the front page, but so far have had no response. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Gozer
  4. Any good hobby shops in the Tucson area?
  5. All, Hoping someone might be able to help...looking for the TwoBobs A-10A decls sheets. A friend of mine flew with this squadron, and I'm hoping to do a build for him. Partial sheet would also work. Thanks, Rick
  6. Any good hobby shops in the Knoxville, TN area?
  7. Sent multiple e-mails checking on my shipment. Not sure if you received. Please let me know status. Thanks, Gozer
  8. Was wondering if anyone would suggest any good hobby shops near Buffalo? Thanks, Gozer
  9. Was wondering if anyone would suggest any good hobby shops near St Augustine / Jacksonville? Thanks, Gozer
  10. Gordon, Any idea if they are still in business? I sent an e-mail about availability/pricing, but never got a response...
  11. Anyone know if these markings are available in 1/48?
  12. All, If anyone has some 1/48 Spitfire beer kegs from either the Italeri or Eduard kits, I would be interested in purchasing them. I have a couple of Spitfire kits and would like to do one of them as the beer truck. Thanks.
  13. Looking to do an early A-4 in 1/48th... Saw the Victory Decals, but haven't been able to track any down...
  14. All, Looking for some help... I am trying to build up a model of the A-4 flown by Ev Alvarez when he was shot down in Vietnam. He was with VA-144 on the Connstellation...Trying to track down some decals, but not having much luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...
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