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Posts posted by Supertom

  1. Hi everyone,

    I don't follow the news on WW2 kits as much anymore, so I was wondering if someone would bring me up to speed on this. Lately I've found a project to just got me really passionate about, and while I'm doing the reasearch I've been looking for a kit. Has anyone heard if Tamiya is planning on releasing a 1/32 P-51B/C? I normally don't spend the money to go all out on a project, but this would be an exception. If not, I'll just work on the Trumpeter kit.

    Thanks in advance!!!

  2. Years and years of patient practice ;) I'd love to do this if I can get better pics. Any nose art on the Illinois birds?

    Hi Jennings, I found a few pictures of 58-0023 on planepictures.net - it does not appear that this bird has nose art. I did take a look at the Italeri decal sheet and it does not have a decal for that little panel that sits just to the right of the crew entry hatch. Definitely not a outline shape of Illinois. The "IL ANG" and "126 ARW" text on the wings of the refuelling prope are orange italics and white surround, but it looks like you got that taken care of.


  3. My point here that another kind of modeler could also included figures (there a broad selection of terrorists, armed arabs, special forces, vehicles, choppers and so over) in order to be used to brief troops and also allow so General/Admiral to play with soldiers

    Haha you're right, I would have done so as well!

  4. Folks, I need more feedback if these are going to become decals. I'm not willing to risk printing them if there's not really interest in them. The artwork is done, but I'm looking to know if people are really interested. Also potentially ready with a "Square D" airplane from the 100th ARW at Mildenhall..



    Hi Jennings,

    From my end I'd be super interested in the Illinois and Wisconsin sheets. While I live in Indiana I'm not sure if I'll do the Grissom one, as the Illini one is more because it'd be fun to do that as my wife is a Illini fan, and I know my buddy would love to do his -135 in Wisconsin markings.

  5. Comments? Like? No like? Other suggestions?

    Like! As much as an E-6 conversion would be cool, I think the market is kinda limited since the conversion's kinda hard to come by these days. I can see how your business model fills a niche with the single subject sheets though! I know my buddy would dig the Wisconsin marking for sure.

  6. Keeping the doctors rich,between the cardiologist,rhuematologist,neurologist,pharmacist,and family doc,not much left to put beans on the table!

    I hear ya Dave, stay healthy. You back to working on that F-4 yet?

  7. The MKI/M/A is operated by the 'enemy' - so I wonder if Trumpeter would invest in new moulds for them.

    I also hope I'm way off base and totally wrong !!! :pray:


    I hope so too, because I really don't want to saw off the shoulders to stick the canard conversions in!

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