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About No.11

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  1. Hi All, Here are a few illustrations featuring various US Navy Hellcats. More work of mine can be found here:PRESS
  2. Hi All, Here are two more completed illustrations, this time Corsairs from VBF-85 onboard USS Shangr-La. More work of mine can be found here:PRESS
  3. Hi All, Here are two Mirage III illustrations from 3 Sqn RAAF. More work of mine can be found here:PRESS
  4. No.11

    Two Phantoms

    My bad ! All corrected.
  5. Hi All, Here are two illustrations of a F-4E and F-4G . The first one is from the 21st TFS, 35th TFW based at George Air Base and the second one from the 52nd TFW based at Spangdahlem. More work of mine can be found here:PRESS Thanks for looking, Lawrence
  6. Thanks Ray!
  7. Hi All, Here are two illustrations of Australian F/A-18A Hornets. The first one is from 2 OCU and the second one is from 3 Sqn RAAF. More work of mine can be found here:PRESS
  8. Hi All, Here are two more completed illustrations. Illustration 1 depicts a F-14A from VF-1, which shot down an Iraqi Mi-8 during Op.Desert Storm. Illustration 2 depicts a F-14A from VF-41, which shot down a Libyan Su-22. More work of mine can be found here:PRESS
  9. Hi All, Here are some more completed illustrations, this time French Navy Rafale M's. More work of mine can be found here:PRESS
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