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About olfart01

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)
  • Birthday 05/25/1955

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Portsmouth, VA
  1. Yes, I am still looking for this. I would really appreciate it if you could provide one. Bob
  2. Looking for a complete canopy for a Monogram 1/48 F-4C/D. Anybody got one they can spare? Thanks. Bob
  3. I'm in need of the nose cone from the Monogram RF-101B. Willing to buy or a junk kit with this part in good condition. Thanks. Bob
  4. If anyone has this part or a junk kit that will provide it, I'd be willing to pay for it. Thanks. Bob
  5. Looking for the following parts. Will pay reasonable fee. 1. Clear tree from Monogram 1/48 B-17G 2. Black parts tree from Monogram 1/48 B-17G 3. Clear parts from Monogram 1/48 F-4C/D 4. Rear stabilizers from Monogram 1/48 F-4CD Thanks in advance
  6. I'm in need of the instructions for the Testors / Lindberg Roswell UFO. Originals, copies or PDF will do. Thanks.
  7. I am in desperate need of the instruction sheet for a Tamiya 1/35 M1A1 Abrams. Can anyone help me out? Thanks in Advance.
  8. Here's 2 new additions to my stable. Tamiya 1/48 P-51D built out of the box. Hope you like. First P-51D marked as "Double Trouble Too" as on display in the Military Air Museum located close to me. Second, P-51D marked as Chuck Yeager's "Glamorous Glen III.
  9. I'm in need of part #F-17 from the Revell/Monogram 1/48 JU-88. Aileron control arm. Can anyone help? Thanks. Bob
  10. I have the following update items in 1/48 to fit the Tamiya P-51D or the ICM P-51D. Sold as a package only. Aires-Cockpit-missing seat Aires-Wheel wells Eduard-Placards Squadron-Vac-u-form canopies (2) Unknown resin caster-Seat, Rudder, Gear doors, Flaps, Exhaust, Main wheels, Spinner, Propeller blades $45.00 shipped US sales only. Paypal OK.
  11. Looking for the instruction sheet or a copy of the same for the Testors / Italeri 1/48 Mig-37 Stealth fighter.
  12. Looking for any Revell 1/48 B-17G Hanger queens. Really only concerned with the fuselage from the bomb bay forward.
  13. I have the Sea Cobra in a bag, but complete. Are you still interested? Bob
  14. Don, I'm pretty sure I have one. Doesn't look like I'll ever build it. Will not have the original box. Let me know if you're interested. Bob
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