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About lisec

  • Rank
    Rivet Counter
  • Birthday 01/29/1982

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    WWII props and ships
  1. I might do just that, I`ve taken out two of my incomplete projects,Hayate and Gekko,which will be stripped of paint and finally(I hope) finished :) Thanks for your comments!
  2. Hasegawa,build log is buried somewhere in the In-progress section... Although it is not perfect, it`s a model i`m most satisfied up to date. Needs signal lights,but at this moment I don`t have clear colors
  3. yes,but you have to be careful cause you need a coat or two of HS and its difficult to control the layering. not sure if i would try it on a a/c, you need a smooth finish
  4. Almost there, needs loop antenna(broken it 2 times already),weathered spinner,dusted wheels and a couple of antenna, and musn`t forget the aelron balancers I don`t usually do that much shading,but I kinda like it on this one... Comments welcome
  5. Thanx! Here`s one more after masking,now its time for wing crosses,bottom and top
  6. Went back to armour modelling and dioramas... Sadly, I lack stamina in terms of projects.if it gets complicated or takes too long i lose focus and do something else for a while.Fortiunatly, I come back
  7. Ok,it`s been too long... Got my inspiration as the new AB got here,so here it goes...The fuselage paintjob is done,RLM75 & 77 with a overprayed RV band and subdued crosses,oversprayed previous number and then stenciled white 14, tail painted solid RLM 83,painted white svastika and then overpainted, as with the RV bands, with RLM 75 to be only lightly visible,the rudder will recieve a hand painted number 33 and light mottling.The wings are painted RLM 75/83 combination with horizontals painted as a replacement parts,RLM 81/83.The lower wing surfaces are sprayed aluminium which will be mask
  8. Thanks, and this is how it`s supposed to look like at the end
  9. Preshaded,added a RV band which will be oversprayed so I wasn`t very careful with it RLM 76 painted, I went with less is more theory with preshaded areas, and the tail and rudder got a coat of RLM 83
  10. There are 2 more photos on page 38, on one a number 33 is visible on a busted rudder, a small number 2 part of the werknummer, and one detail which is nod done on the color profile is that the line of overpainted tail is just over the swastika,a very sharp line. The next picture shows a over painted balkenkreuz and number 14 substituted with british roundel (???) And the color on the rear horizontal stabilizer,the top color look a bit too dark for me to be any of the camo colors used on the fuselage. Any guesses? the tone looks similar to the original tail color(RLM 83) and the lighter maybe
  11. pretty good memory , it is from that book
  12. I am making a Me109 K-4 White 14 from Prague found in May which had an interesting camouflage consisting RLM 75 and 77, a solid green tail and rudder oversprayed with (probably) RLM 76 and a hand painted no. 33. But, the RV band( black-white-black of JG 4) was oversprayed with RLM 75,as was the part of the rudder. OK, this use of weird colors for the time is explained as one of the last produced( the WrkNummer is nod discernible) Me-s, so why was the RV band painted and then repainted in such a short time? Or, why was it even painted if it was produced after the RV collapse? So,is anything kn
  13. OK, the RV band were used until when? I have read somewhere that the use was discontinued at some point as the Reich defense system collapsed,and the bands were repainted to better serve the camouflage because of air raids. Some units and a/c`s still retained theirs if I am not mistaken. ? Why is matters to me: I am making a Me109 K-4 White 14 from Prague found in May which had an interesting camouflage consisting RLM 75 and 77, a solid green tail and rudder oversprayed with (probably) RLM 76 and a hand painted no. 33. But, the RV band( black-white-black of JG 4) was oversprayed with RLM 75,a
  14. After reading the JaPo book on Kurfursts, I was left a bit in doubt conserning the colour of the undercarriage and wheel bays as they state that they were painted with RLM 66,76 or left in natural metal finish. Naturally, RLM 02 would be expected,but as with the developing situation of the war,it is possible that it was substituted with any of the named colors.Especially as the darker camo colors were replaced with a RLM 77 grey primer and those examples are documented Now,how feasible is the RLM 66 combo and are there any confirmatory pictures of the fore mentioned replacements for the 02 co
  15. Merry xmas everybody and thanx for the comments! Landing gear detailed Water coolant doors detailed with the thinnest styrene,paper thin Pit dry fitted
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