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About colargol

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  1. Thanks 🙂 Just a little update before starting the painting process, I installed the HUD (purple arrow). I've painted the side of the clear part up to 3/4 of the height (white arrow), but I didn't installed the lateral small branches (I've tried but unsuccesfully). Before that, I made a 1.5 m rhodoïd lens for the HUD (yellow arrow). I have also filled the gaps using Perfect Putty from Deluxe Material (smoothed with a wt Q-Tip after drying). I have also drilled the littles holes in the back part, just over the gaz exhaust (orange arrows)
  2. Hello, I carry on ... I have buy some other marker (mainly clear blue, purple and brown) but it does not look very explicit on picture. In the end, I am ready to close the rear part of the aircraft ... Then, I decided to work on the air intake. I am not sure to have made the most pertinent choice, but I decided to glue together the air duct and the pieces of the air intake first. I would allow me to smooth the connection between them (because the fitting look like a Modelcollect one ...) So I glued temporarily the air intake to the t
  3. I carry on (still funny in French) It is important to have a good reflexion before the final build of the cockpit to put things in place in the right order. I had difficulties with the pilot instrument panel that I had to adapt a little bit. I corrected the position of the small panel on the side Here, the seats are just in place for the picture, but I have add the lateral tubing on them The engine exhaust (by Reskit). External area of the photoetched part is not painted on purpose
  4. Little dry brush on the seats (cushion only and top part of the seat) and I also had the two small handle on the back left of each cockpit (light green arrows). Seats are not glued yet. colargol
  5. Thanks ! Like the bell, I carry on (still a wonderfull joke in French) For the painting of the cockpits, I started with a sub-layer of tire black by Gunze (H77), then the main color (light grey H338), a Future coat, the panel line washes (light grey and blue-black by ammo Mig), the another coat of Future, then painting (mostly Prince August by brush), small dry brush (white and light grey by Humbrol). Black part are a mix of tire black (H77) and normal black (H12). I had to modify the shape of the pilot instrument panel (resin and photo etched parts - red an
  6. Hello and happy new year !!! I carry on with the painting. I started with a layer of H77 (tire black from Gunze) diluted with 90° alcool to have a matt finish. I do that because I think it helps for the next layers of color and it turns the styren more opaque, so less toy-ee The next layer is mostly H308 (even if my bottle of H308 seems a little bit too light ... the Gunze color are not very stable between bottles ...) but the rails of the ejection seat are in H338 (light grey). After a light dry brush (Humbrol 147), I finished the painting of the seat using a small bru
  7. Thanks 😉 I thougth I was going to start the painting process, then I discover that the size of my kit was not correct. Compared to a plan with an actual length scale on it, I see that a 10 m length was represented by 14.1 mm on my plan, whereas it should be 13.88 cm ! By comparing the plan to the correct scale, I saw that the front part was correct in shape and size, the aft part to (including the position of the wings (leading edge) and the "vertical" tails). So I decided to cut 5 mm in the center of the aircraft ... I joined the two part using some reinfo
  8. Hello, tiny modification before starting the painting process. I found a picture of the top of the back seat instrument panel and add a small stuff on the top of it (yellow arrows) colargol
  9. Hello, new project for me: building two kits in parallel ... one of them will be the second prototype of the YF-17 (the first one being a twin seater Viggen). The basis of the build will be the Heller F-18 kit. I've build it when a was a teenager, and I remember that it didn't look like a F-18, but more like a YF-17 or a prototype of the F-18 (I had build an Hasegawa before and was able to compare both). I will use the Schiffer book on the subject. I was expecting to have some diagrams and 3-views plans in this book, but it is not th
  10. Hello, I am starting a new project: a SK-37, using the Special Hobby 1/72 kit, with some goodies 😉 The first step of work is the rear place cockpit. Indeed, the co-pilot control panel is not very well represented by Special Hobby nor CMK and some work has to be done. I started by replacing the periscope tubes with cooper tubes. The top of the control panel is made with 0.13 mm Evergreen sheet. It is soft enough to be able to bend correctly (pink arrows). The styren block on the back of the control panel will help the positionning (black arrow)
  11. Hello, this is my representation of the first prototype of the F-14A, in december 1970. I have used the Great Wall Hooby kit to do so. The building process is presented here. This kit looks very pretty on the first sight. It is very expensive so I thing in the first time, their is a cognitive bias to not admit that it is hugely overpaid for such a kit. Indeed, there are a lot of problem on the kit. Some can be easily corrected, some need more money to be corrected and some need a lot of work to have a correct result. The easy ones : - the gu
  12. Hello, now, I am going to the last step : the antennas ... The first one is the nose probe. The challenge is to paint it ... first, I thought to use my mini-drill ... fail ... the probe bend during the too fast rotation and almost hurt me. Then, I thought of using decals over a white coat of paint. Fail ... i didn't succeed in having something regular and smooth enough. Then, I thought of painting it using masks. Fail ... the white paint went off ... Then, I decided to slow the rotation process by doing it with my fingers, using a specific tool. In the first
  13. Superb ! And very interesting comparison between the two kits ! colargol
  14. 🙂 The Academy kit would be a better idea (or a Tamiya one if you prefer 1/48) ... Nevertheless, I carry on. Small step, but important one ! The weathering. It is light, because this aircraft didn't fly a lot. So I just used Ammo mig panel line wash (medim grey on the grey color, light grey on the white color and blue black on the engine metalic parts). I also made the light aera. For this, I paint a sublayer of metallic color (Vallejo Metal Color, using a brush) and the Gunze clear color (red and blue). For the navigation light inserted in the fuselage (on the apex), I'
  15. Thanks ! After the varnish, I've put the decals, the verticals tails and some antennas (yellow and white arrows). The fitting of the vertical tails are not as good as I thought it would have been on a so expansive kit. Most of the decals are coming from the Academy decal sheet (new model). The star and stripes insignas are not at the same position as on the operationnal aircrafts, as well as some of the stencils. The BuNo is a puzzle from various decals sheets (Easy decal - a copy of the one of Hasegawa K39 - for most of the numbers
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