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About Thadeus

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    Hornets, Hornets everywhere!

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    Warsaw - Poland
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    Interesting things

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  1. So... Here's the thing about decals. Hasegawa kit decals give me sort of uninteresting visually markings for a Top Gun bird. But frankly, I thought I'd either do similarly toned CAG/CO birds, or make two gray jets. This in presented some problems all in itself, since I needed to find similar markings. I had a CAG bird from VFA-32 from two different dates - seems pretty good for a comparison build. But I still want something for my display case and making two very similar jets from the same unit at the same time isn't really what I wanted. Perhaps finally I could make the VFA-41 double bui
  2. Nice update. Pretty cool idea with toothpicks - if they work - they just work!
  3. Finally I managed to apply some paint to my little Super Hornets. I pondered on the matter for a while and finally decided on doing black basing as opposed to just using first layer of 36375 as a primer. I have recently deep cleaned my cheap airbrush and it really shows. This time I used raw Gunze H308 FS36375 which I find too dark. Initially I wanted to paint both jets similarilly. With similar marbling. But I couldn't paint both models with single cup of paint. And the second mix came out differently, and so the initial paint layer came out s
  4. I'd go with 36118 as well. Perhaps even the lighter "shade" that the Gunze H305 makes. Here is a 1/72 scale F-16 painted with blackbased Gunze H308 alongside two models painted with Model Master FS 36118. Technically they are both same colour.
  5. Thanks Habu. There probably were few more options than I found. Some might even still be available. I do have an old MAW decal sheet with options for three Hornets - including landing gear decals and ejection seat stencils. I used up one set and I save the other two for some other projects. I just got caught by surprise there are so few aftermarket ejection seats with decals, and that some of more detailed model kits - such as Hasegawa Super Hornets, don't have decals for the ejection seats since there are other details given such as decals for the crew helmets. Interesting. They are pres
  6. Thanks! I used to love the hue of Modelmaster acryl 36375, 36320 and 35237. The ghost grays did seem a bit too dark, but a few drops of white really did the trick. Then I found out that Pactra makes similar hue of 36375 and 36320 and used them. They needed way less white but were a little harder to work with. Gunze 36375 and 36320 are ok, albeit I feel they are too blue. I never used spray cans for anything other than primer.
  7. Lovelly Hornet. Academy kit in 1/72 is quite nice kit too 😉 And IIRC it has the SAC gear as well. Pretty cool. They seem to be sold out though.
  8. Nice start. Amazing detail on that decal sheet. Although I have no idea what You were supposed to do with the green shaped arrows... And how everything is supposed to fit. I'd probably leave the moulded on detail if they didn't say to sand them down... Still - nice progress. Canadian Starfighters always seemed to have one of the nicest schemes to me.
  9. Thanks Mr. Happy for Your kind words! So, time for some final complaints regarding my remaining Hobby Boss F/A-18D build 😉 So... decaling went on with very little fuss. I did encounter some interesting things regarding the details of "my" airframe paint scheme. For starters, there was a period where the 164263 had black canopy, and there was a time when it was gray. See here, I'll call this "early" scheme as it was pretty clean. Of note, there are no intake warning triangles. This was in march 2019. https://www.jetphotos.com/photo/9995893
  10. Thanks! I must have been lucky then. I've had a few Aires sets that felt a little underscale but I always thought they were kind of made this way.
  11. I've not used the rubber tires, so I can't say anything. Mine sit in the box and seem to be fine. But they're not attached to any plastic. I did encounter something similar in 1/72 Fujimi Tomcat where the rubber tires would brake. But I feel it was a bit different kind of rubber than Academy used. As for Aires burner cans, mine were quite ok. I've used these: and managed to get this: There seems to be a tiny bit of misalignment but i feel it makes it more realistic. I feel they are not closed enough for a parked jet though.
  12. Great work. It would be amazing to see some of Your big birds next to eachother.
  13. +1 on the resin intakes. The main landing gear is reported to sag aover time. I replaced mine with SAC gear. Of note, I was told a few times that SAC gear would sag over time as well. Mine is fine after at least 7 years. I was unhappy with the detail on the kit exhaust nozzles so I replaced mine. Also, the ejection seats are not the SJU-17 type, but the older SJU-5/6 type. I've heard some people complaining about the shape of the wings, or the angle of the wings. I folded mine and they were quite ok. As for the fit, I seem to remember this kit fitting pretty good. Some si
  14. Hi there! Long time no see, right? So. In between other projects I begun to finish last of the three Hornets I started here. Basicly, all I need to do is just paint the beast. Right? Right! I really like this process - first I did some hard edged spots with very light gray, than added some random spots of Gunze Off White and then put on some additional lines, picked some panels in this colour. I have to admit it gets me a bit full of myself. Heck... almost proud. So as overconfidence steps in I pull off somet
  15. Ok, so I've done some more progress here. Quite fun. Both Hornets are now primed in black. I've found some areas to correct, so I'll go and do that before painting. Nowadays I don't cover my models entirelly with black. Afterall, I'm going to add some highlights and stuff like that to show under the final coat of paint. And I don't use any real primer. Just some black paint from Tamiya or Gunze. So first: Hasegawa. Join line on the Hasegawa Hornet looks good. I forgot all about the windscreen panel lines! On the o
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