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About ARCer

  • Rank
    Canopy Polisher

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  1. Hi spejic,, I just did a continuous search for a gripen nato tiger meet and pick a very clear pictures for the tailfin and best resolution from internet. Just edit with the corelDraw software (vectorised it, need extra time) to fit the scale. When everything was firm, then printed to a white background water slide decal paper for the tail fin. HTH.
  2. Hello, I made this model from Italeri product, but the original decal was not satisfy me, so i replaced with my own decal refer to actual fighter vertical tail fin art refer to 2017 Czech Air Force that have a unique pictures. A cool Czech girl (real model woman name Simona Krainová) and tiger eyes side by side. There are many tiger meet arts for Czech Gripen, and this 2017 relatively new scheme for CAF. Hope you will like it. I spent about 40 effective hours to finish this model. Overall fitting is very good, need just a minimum filling and sanding. Clear part cockpit also fit very
  3. Hello, I post my academy 1:48 with Serbian Air Force. The short video just a turn around film. I put a custom decal by myself and give a medium weathering. Any comment will more than welcome. Hope you will enjoy it. Brgds
  4. Hello fellows modeler, Greetings from Indonesia. I just finished this classic airframe with Indonesian Air Force livery. All decals was customised and some minor modification i.e exhaust extension, TACAN antena on spine, 2 chaff dispenser and drag chute housing. I did without any weathering or washing etc. Really a clean aircraft. Any critic or comments will always more than welcome. Cheers,,,
  5. Greetings ,,, Looking for this kit since long time ago. Pls offer to me your best price. Many thanks, BRGDS
  6. I am looking for the Hobbycraft 1/72 Caribou kit, with or without decal. If you want to sell please pm me.
  7. RECOMMENDED!! Fast Shipping too...
  8. ^_^ Do not hesitate to trade with flyingcarpet. The stuffs arrived safely... TRUSTED ARCER!!
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