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About dean

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)
  • Birthday 12/18/1978

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  • Location
    wellington New Zealand

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  1. Thanks. I have a finished thread here somewhere, but this is how it turned out:
  2. I based this one on the crash scene from Air America, albeit on a much more condensed base. I just had fun with it so it is as good as my patience would allow.
  3. Slowly starting to take shape. It's a lot more condensed than in the movie, as I don't have room for a 6 foot long base. Haha.
  4. Made a bit of progress lately. Not going for museum quality, just having fun with it when I get time.
  5. Starting to take shape
  6. Made a bit of progress this week. Got some more detail done and a couple of coats of alclad on.
  7. Wow, 2013! Time flies when you're having fun. That C-123 was so bad it sucked my will to live so the whole thing was thrown out. I've finally got around to starting again, but using a much better kit this time.
  8. I'm finally back! Just rereading this thread and I cant believe I started this over 5 years ago! A lot has happened over the last few years but it's now coming into winter so hopefully I'll be able to find time to make some progress on it. A few things to happen that affect the build is: We now have one of the newest Panthers at work so I now have to decide which one I want to build. Rosenbauer have themselves made diecast models of our new truck in 1/87 and 1/43 scales. And Hasegawa have released a 1/72 plastic kitset of our older two Panthers.
  9. Hi guys, I can't believe it's been over a year since I did any work on this. Life has a bad habit of getting in the way.[smiley-laughing002]. In the last 12 months I've got married, went to Vegas for the honeymoon, ran two more recruit courses, passed my first post graduate university paper and now my wife is 3 months pregnant with our first baby. I started an Airfix 1/24 GR3 Harrier to get my mojo back. I've almost finished it, just waiting for some paint to dry before I can gloss it, so in the mean time I pulled the Panther back out. I brought two Revell Simbas in the hopes that I can use
  10. Thanks Floyd, I'll look forward to it. Cheers Dean
  11. Hi Guys, I'm after some help if you don't mind. I've just brought the old Revell 1/32 AH-1G kit and would like to update it. I was looking for the Fireball Modelworks FMR-009 set but have since found out it is long out of production. Do any of you know where I could get my hands on one or something similar? Thanks in advance Dean
  12. Finished: Here is the real one we have at work: And here is my version of it:
  13. The link Adam shared looks like it'll be right. I work for an Airport Fire Service and all our vehicles are "Stryker Green". We have an Oshkosh designed Stryker so the colours should be a match. I've got a couple of build threads of our vehicles if you want to see the colour I'm using. Cheers Dean
  14. Well I still haven't heard back from the signwriters so I've made quite a lot of progress on my second one. Just the nudgebar and tow bar to build, a bit more detail painting and it will almost be done. I'm going to leave the canopy until after I get the decals back from the signwriters just incase the windows are in the wrong place. Here's where it's at so far:
  15. Thanks, It's gone to the signwriters so progress has slowed down a bit. I made a start on the mirrors though: Original part: Our real one: The start of my first one:
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