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About gwaktek

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  1. Kursad- I like that you have some early / 2-seat A-7 SLUF collections but would you consider doing a sheet of Air Wing 11 participants in Operation Praying Mantis from 1988? I would love to build out my Hasegawa 1/48 A-7E HARM missile-modified bird from VA-22 in low-viz markings and there just aren't any other low-viz offerings out there since Furball quit printing. I don't think you'd have any left over if you sent a batch out for printing. Just an idea... 🙂
  2. Kursad- I like that you have some early / 2-seat A-7 SLUF collections but would you consider doing a sheet of Air Wing 11 participants in Operation Praying Mantis from 1988? I would love to build out an attack bird from VA-22 in low-viz markings and there just aren't any other low-viz offerings out there since Furball quit printing. I don't think you'd have any left over if you sent a batch out for printing. Just an idea... 🙂
  3. That's some impeccable work there... it's gotta be a future Best-of-Show winner for sure!
  4. Fantastic... I really appreciate the legwork! Now to see if there's a corresponding recessed panel outline on the old 21st Century Toy... TYVM John.
  5. Very nice job on camo / weathering; seems just right after long hours in the hot Djibouti sun. Nice story about the sharkmouth too, and its significance to Armee de l'air history as operators of the type.
  6. Finn's link was great insofar as manuals are concerned, and there was a mention of it, but for the -4 version. On that bird I know it to be at fuselage starboard, at the approximate level of the foothold on the -1D. Looking forward to your input, 11bee...
  7. I'm having no luck trying to locate information about whether the Corsair -1D model had a ground power receptacle anywhere on the / close to underside of the aircraft. Trying to find a good connect/disconnect point for a gussied-up 1/32 scale 21st Century Toys version into which I've inserted a slot car motor to power the prop. If anyone knows, PLEASE help! Thanks
  8. Hey, it took a random search today after stopping and talking about the sheet at King's Hobbies but... guess what? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Caracal-Decals-1-48-LOCKHEED-F-104C-STARFIGHTER-IN-VIETNAM/133040334804?hash=item1ef9d267d4:g:0DcAAOSw0oFcy3oR&frcectupt=true If anyone else is looking for it, there are 8 left from this seller @ $12.99 a pop.
  9. ... for sharing the personal story that the Arts & Entertainment pinheads in the US don't want us to know about what socialism ultimately does to a nation. For anyone else reading this, I invite you to check out a bigger picture perspective from Venezuelan ex-pat Debbie D'Souza - https://www.prageru.com/videos/hows-socialism-doing-venezuela Godspeed to those working to relegate the Bolivarian Revolution to the dustbin of History...
  10. Hi- Just got an '80s NOS Monogram 1/48 F-104C via eBay, which dropped with the colorful 479th scheme and the SEA camo 'Smoke II" decal sheet. Unfortunately the OEM sheet is way out of register, with much of the print off the carrier and on the backing sheet. So I've been looking for Kursad's benchmark F-104C in Vietnam sheet and it is non-existent at pretty much all online and bricks-mortar shops... Sprue Bros, Hannants and others overseas... forget it. Does anyone have the partial sheet they'd be willing to part with, after finishing your chosen subject? Name your p
  11. well, whaddya know... ----- **This is an automatic confirmation - please do not reply to this email** Your Revell parts request (#109770) was shipped today. Please allow a minimum of 2 weeks for delivery. If you are located outside the Continental US, please allow up to 4-6 weeks for delivery. If your parts have not arrived in this timeframe, please do not submit another ticket - you may contact us at cservice@revell.com, or call (800)833-3570. ----- this should be fun!
  12. Wow... so this, itself, opens up another thought/topic... while I haven't had the opportunity to browse the whole forum to see if this has happened in the past, are there any members who could be considered ALPS-for-hire guys? I know there have been folks who have posted their subjects over the years who (I believe) have done their own decals on an ALPS- would they be open to one-off requests for a nominal sum? Thanks to all who have offered advice and assistance so far- your generosity overwhelms. Much appreciated.
  13. I hear ya Toad, and I know that if I sunk a few more bucks into this I could probably shoot for the moon on the end product... but there's just something about this particular accretion of styrene that prevents me from replacing it altogether. Maybe Revell has old replacement parts for it, I don't know... but it may just be the kind of thing where only I can appreciate how it ultimately ends up looking. I really appreciate the feedback I've gotten so far from the community- glad you all care enough to reply.
  14. Monogram F-100D in 1/48... like I said, total old school. Was my absolute fave build in my early teens, ended up doing three of them; two SEA camos and one NMF. Now imagine replacing every little narrow bit of plastic that couldn't withstand the rigors of everything that could happen in life over 30-plus years. Antennae, pitot tube, refueling probe, left wing slat, tail skid, speed brake, gun access panels... I decided to go with an in-flight disposition because I have no struts left, only wheels... and I refuse on principle to go with aftermarket mods. I'm funny that way...
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