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Everything posted by Breaddy-Stack

  1. Hey everyone! The aftermarket parts of this post are probably a long shot but I wanted to try my hand at a simpler hornet kit and do some experimentation with it. I was hopeful someone had them and would be willing to sell! Wanted to check here before I turned to eBay!
  2. You got me there! None of our resin ones work after all...
  3. Hoping someone who’s worked with them or has reference data can chime in. I’ve noticed amongst the different aftermarket and some kit producers, that the SJU-17s out there are all sorts of different shapes and measurements. I was just curious who makes the most accurate seats. Just from my amateur opinion I’ve hypothesized that Aires might be the winner here but I’m not too sure. Any info is appreciated!
  4. Hey everyone! Was wondering if anyone had a few of the following: - Wolfpack Design 48041 ATFLIR pod in 1/48 scale - Attack Squadron 48016 BRU-33/55 CVER - Any 1/48 decal sheet for F-5Es of VMFT-401 Appreciate any help or if you’re looking to sell! Thanks!
  5. Real excited for these! I know the last sheet you showed was for the Hasegawa kit because of the checkerboards’ tail, are these recommended for any particular kit?
  6. Ahh that’ll be nice! I don’t think my eye is well trained enough to accurately recreate colors. Might wait until I’ve done a bit more with acrylics first! Definitely share how it comes out though I’d love to see a kit completed this way!
  7. Glad you enjoyed it! I’ve been really wanting to take a crack at it too! My only reservation is getting the proper colors from oil paints. While we have an abundance of acrylic, enamel, and lacquer paints specifically made for modelers, oil is just made in general colors and might require some creativity.
  8. Here’s a video from 1995 of hornets from VMFA(AW)-121 dropping some ordnance. At 14:50 Walleye I footage starts.
  9. Hey Dave, had a quick question. I know you’ve been working on a proper Delta cockpit. What aftermarket ejection seats do you recommend with them for the Sju-5/6 and the 17? Thank you!
  10. AFM, Thank you for the very detailed response! No worries either haha I tried to describe it with words when pictures might have assisted! Taking a second look the kinetic kit has the hole in the seat cushion as well. Kinda a funny amalgamation. I looked into some finemolds accessories and I'll see how those shape up, or I may just accept it as a funny quirk of the kit. Also very nice work on your CF188s! I've popped into that thread a few times to see how its been going. Always like to see the quirks of a kit before I make any substantial plans for a buil
  11. Hey AFM! Thank you for the reference material you have provided! I personally didn’t even know there was an interim seat between the 5/6 and the 17! So based on those descriptions should the parachute pack on the seat kit be corrected? Thanks mate!
  12. Hey everyone! Admittedly I'm quite bad at telling these two seats apart, but I'm looking over the kit for the Kinetic Hornet and I noticed that the ejection seat included with the kit appears to be the SJU-17 based on the shape of the headrest profile from the side. From the top perspective there appears to be the green cover that to me always reminded me of the top of a Chinese take out box. I always thought the top of the SJU-17 was the "X" and the SJU-5/6 had the green folds on the top. Is this proper for the Kinetic kit? Was the SJU-17 fitted with this cover as well? Thanks!
  13. Hey everyone! I came across a cool video by PLASMO on youtube about hand painting with oil paints. Unfortunately I don't have a good space for airbrushing at the moment so I figured giving a different hand painting technique a try on maybe a sacrifice kit. Does anyone have any experience with using oils this way? I think it creates a nice effect and will hopefully look better than the thick acrylic painted models of my younger days! Video in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BitmaECqO30&t=150s
  14. I don't know how helpful this may be for you but here's a few videos taken from the back seat of an F/A-18D. should give you a good idea of the WSO seat's canopy view!
  15. You’d be interested to know that Flying Leathernecks Decals are going to be releasing the F/A-18D correction for Hasegawa and Kinetic. Definitely a must purchase on my end! I found it’s pretty hard to get a lot of info on early Rhinos. Maybe I’m just looking in the wrong place who knows! But I heard on a podcast that early on when VFA-41 was forward deployed with VFA-115, there weren’t ATFLIRs to go around and were using regular nite hawk. Hopefully I’m remembering that correctly. Additionally I think I read somewhere the full hornet suite of weapons wasn't approved for operational use
  16. Believe it or not I'm actually okay with the old lot super hornets. The plan was to build 2003 era jets from VFAs 14 and 41. 2003 was really interesting to me since you had such an odd smattering of US aircraft in combat from straight up F/A-18As of VFA-97, to some of the first few squadrons to transition over to rhinos as well as tomcats. Regardless, I have a bit to consider. I bought CAM decals knowing I'd want to get to some super hornets at some point so I should probably see what they are sized for if it even matters! For the legacy you mentioned I feel like it might be worth
  17. I think I’ve noticed just from studying the panels that Hasegawa’s option is an A/B that can be mocked up as an early lot C/D. It seems kinetic on the other hand can be updated or backdated as one sees fit. That’s a shame about HB though. I’ve seen some really well executed builds using the HB hornet.
  18. I have a hobby boss D in the stash but have heard mixed things so I haven’t picked up any more. Kinetics hornets I’ve heard are the best, I just have decals sized for different kits so I like to have a healthy mix between Hasegawa and Kinetic! As for Meng, that super hornet looks impressive and from what I’ve seen on armament detail and a few F-35 build Meng makes good stuff. My quest for Hasegawa stems from aftermarket items I have in my stash. I suppose I’ll just have to be patient or shift focus to an echo model!
  19. That’s a bummer, I guess you can always get replacement parts from Hasegawa but that isn’t ideal. Hoping the F isn’t going off the shelves for a bit. Seems the A/C boxing has since it’s no longer on the website
  20. I was hesitant but can a two seat super hornet be built from the E kit? I have a few D kits in the stash. Was hoping to track down some Cs if not do you all think you’ll restock the Fs and Cs?
  21. Hey everyone. I'm relatively new to the hobby and was wondering how often Hasegawa's single seat legacy and two-seat super hornets are restocked? I'm in the US but even Japanese vendors seem to be cleaned out! I understand these molds get re-released from time to time, but I was curious what the turn around is like for somewhat ubiquitous kits like these! I find it kind of funny the two seat legacy and single seat super hornets seem to be in stock most places! Thanks!
  22. I have 2 1/48 G-Factor F-18 landing gear and 1 SAC F-18 landing gear for Kinetic that I no longer need. If someone is willing to pay the shipping I'll send them your way!
  23. After Attack Squadron shuttered having a new BRU-55 option is great. Really excited to see what 2021 offers in the scale ordnance world. Keep up the good work!
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