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Tamiya 32nd Spits and Mustangs

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You guys in the props forum have escaped my inane questions for long enough :taunt:

So, to anyone who has built one of these or has one in the stash, is it possible to build the model with the engine out of the airframe or is the motor integral to the construction?

Personally I'm not a huge fan of removed panels on aircraft and prefer a model all buttoned up. I know these masterpieces are designed to have removable cowlings but I could n't see myself taking the time to carefully remove them to see the engine once every blue moon.

It would save a whole lot of effort to just glue the engine covers in place and go straight to the painting would n't it?



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It is pretty much integral to the nose. It is designed like the real plane...with out the engine there is nothing to align or hold the cowlings in place. You could always just build the engine core and use it to align the nose..no extras or paint.


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, is it possible to build the model with the engine out of the airframe or is the motor integral to the construction? :cheers:


It is pretty much integral to the nose. It is designed like the real plane...with out the engine there is nothing to align or hold the cowlings in place. You could always just build the engine core and use it to align the nose..no extras or paint.


Lke he said.

But being a modler bet you could rig up a block of ??, in place of the engine, then glue the pnls together..confused0082-1.gif........

THEN send the engine to mesmiley-face-bouncing-004.gif

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Is it your intention to not bother with the engine at all or do you want to display the enginge seperately? If the latter, you can always buy the required engine only sprues (HLJ, Rainbow 10) and use the minimum structure needed to close up the kit nose and prop.

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Hi guys,

Thanks for the replies, much appreciated.

The engine looks to be such a beautiful piece in it's own right I just thought it would be a shame to hide it under the panels.



RATS I knew you wouldn't give it to megetsmileyCAC3L3QS.gif

But on the other hand, you're correct the engine IS a great model on its own. It's tempting to display it separately. getsmileyCAN54UAK.gif

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