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About TonyH

  • Rank
    Never have so many....
  • Birthday 05/02/1957

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  • Interests
    US Navy & USAF aircraft & Canadian Aircraft

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  1. So glad all that went had a great time. Worked my fool of on this show and going to make next years even better :) Thanks to all who supported the show Cheers Tony
  2. See ya Sunday Paul :)
  3. Hi Mike Sorry you won't be able to make it but family first :) Next years is already cast in stone for the middle of March! Talk atya soon my friend Tony
  4. Wow! Not much has changed eh! lol!!!! Sorry guys, still building cars :) Heritagecon this Sunday, hope to see you all there! Sold 110 vendors tables, if you can't find it this weekend it doesn't exist! Not doing to bad, heart is doing better after the heart attack a couple of years back and have a new wife which has changed my life dramatically for the better! Hope all are doing well here :) Tony
  5. Hi all I have 2 hardcover books, Vol 1 & 2.... "The Official Monogram US Navy & Marine Corps Aircraft Color Guide" Anyone know if there worth anything? Tony
  6. Glad you guys all liked the show. Was allot of work but as usual worth every minute of it. Was great to see some of the bad ones again lol, Dong, Phantom,Elmo, the Rat, Kerry, Ed, Harold and a few others :) Missed ya Mike, but if I could have been in Florida... well you know :D Hopefully won't be a year until I see you guy's again and sorry about getting back into car models on ya Please keep posting pics from the show :) Cheers Tony
  7. I also have in 1/48.... Tamiya Lanc Kinetic E-2C both new in box http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150763858845383.727481.578210382&l=89a12ea740&type=1
  8. Was great seeing you again Shawn,been to long since we've been at "The Spot" :) Hope you enjoy the extra's......shhhhhh lol!!!! BT
  9. Thanks Holmes,was a fun day of shooting :) Cheers Tony
  10. Here are some shots I took at Geneseo this year,hope you enjoy them. Tony
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