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About serendip

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  1. Thanks and apologies Gabor, I wasn't paying attention - indeed the A as you say. Marc.
  2. So how about the Hind-A. Does anyone know if Trumpeter will be releasing that version also? Thanks,
  3. Good luck Rando, I'm sure you'll do well - let us all know how you get on. Forwarding his address would be much appreciated, Thanks, Marc.
  4. Right you are Rando in withholding judgement, and it's a positive sign at least they are giving feedback. Good there is light at the tunnel regarding the possibility of modelling early 8's, strange that manufacturer cannot be contacted however - this always signals alarm bells for me. Much appreciate your BM thread!
  5. Thanks Rando, More than disappointing to pay good money for what should, for the price, be state of the art AM parts and that it turns out they don't fit. Plenty of AM manufacturers out there seem to be in it just to make a quick buck with no pride in their work - is that the category CAT4 falls into or am I being too negative? Marc.
  6. Morning all, Does anyone know if Trumpeter will still be going ahead with the Hind A? Thanks,
  7. Has anyone tried the CAT4 sets? How's fit / accuracy etc? Thanks,
  8. I understand now that to make all this work, other sets from CAT4 are also necessary like the narrower canopy. Can anyone confirm? Also I can't find much info on the company anywhere to ascertain credibility (of which I am beginning to become doubtful if they sell required components for a conversion separately). Thanks, Marc.
  9. Hi all, Excited to hear these but I'm not clear as to which variant this enables you to backdate - to the C variant? Thanks, Marc.
  10. Hi all, There seems to be a lot of after market in existence for this kit but availability, at least in Europe, is very limited. Does anyone know of any suppliers, preferably in the EU, for especially the winch which is missing in the kit and some cockpit improvements? Thanks all!
  11. Thanks all, Still wondering how far along they are with this kit and when projected release will be. Smart to test basic fit using 3D printed parts first. There has been speculation that 3D printing based on the CAD design accommodates more detail than in the (plastic) injected parts so that potentially the actual kit will be less detailed. Not sure if that is true or a rumour. Marc.
  12. Hi all, It's all gone a bit quite regarding the release. Any news on this anyone? Thanks,
  13. Despite the riveting conversation above, I've read the current Trumpeter Hind is not so bad, although I'm not convinced. I love the Hind A so will be buying the kit but am curious what mistakes it will be inheriting from the current Trumpeter Hind (besides the recessed rivets). Marc.
  14. Thanks Aigore, I have this ket which I believe includes the fin, canards and RAT you mention: TAR TA4803M: SAAB JA37 Viggen Please correct me if I'm wrong. Pitot tubes are on order. I thought the reverser petals are not that visible - am I wrong? Wolf 3D design looks fantastic - I am so happy that all these after market small companies are cropping up! Marc.
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