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  1. Looking to trade GWH 1/48 SU-35 Flanker E for Tamiya 1/48 F-14D
  2. KEB

    1/32 Trumpeter F4U-4

    Getting ready to build this bird and I trying to track down some aftermarket additions, Engine and cockpit details. Thanks
  3. KEB

    New Aggressors

    I'm with you....tail looks a bit out of place
  4. I'd like to find someone to swap out some of my 1/48 kits for the the Trumpeter 1/32 F-18E, I've attached a photo of what's availably, please let me know what fair. The Hasegawa F-16C is gone. Thanks!
  5. Well that makes a lot more sense...duh!!! thanks!
  6. I'm building the Revell 1/48 SR-71 using the Metallic Details cockpit set, but for the life of me I can't figure out how the interior canopy rails from the detail kit fit to the Kit's clear canopies of the model kit, has anyone added these details to their SR-71 and would mind sharing how they are intended to fit please.
  7. arrived today, thanks! do you recall which after market seat you used? it looks great!!!
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