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Everything posted by wanker1967

  1. Hi Diego


    what colors are the Iranian MIG 29 painted in?




  2. Glynn, I just send you a pm here on ARC You Can also write my e-mail : bohermansen@gmail.com Bo
  3. Hi Guys A friend of mine is building Mastercrafts 1/72 MIG 31 Foxhound. His decals flaked and fell apart when he put them in water, anyone got some spares they can part with?. Bo
  4. hallo I am looking for these bombs, any one has a spare set to sell?? Bo
  5. Thanks Diego, just what i needed Can I assume that when the F-5E carried 4 X Bl.755, 4 X BLU 27 or 4 X snakeeye, this mean short range sortie ??? Bo
  6. What a beuty Where did you find the info about BLU 27 napalm?, is that from hard fact or just "modellers creativity" ? If you have any pictures please post I have been looking for a long time for info about the weapons loads Iranian and Saudi F-5E carried in combat. I wanne go out and buy a AFC club F-5E Bo
  7. Hallo what do I use to thin lifecolor??? Bo Denmark
  8. When airbrushing with extra color I put the model in a clean "smart box", tose plastic containers that have a clip-on lid, that way dust i keept out when it is drying, i take a little bit longer to dry, but is worth the nice clean paintjob Bo Denmark
  9. Hallo have used Eduard's normal masking a few times, and it's no good But who know anything about Eduard's new Kabuki tape maskings??? Any experinces with it please tell Bo Denmark
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