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About Aigore

  • Rank
    Darth W3rd
  • Birthday 06/13/1974

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  1. Thanks Greg :D Thank you so much :) me too! Thanks mate :)
  2. Here is a what-if of a Ukrainian JAS39C. It's based on the venerable, though flawed, Italeri kit in 1/48th scale. I added an Aires exhaust and Master pitottube and probes. The paint job is based on an Ukrainian Flanker splinter scheme. Rather striking 🙂 Now for a few pics, Slava Ukraina 🙂 Cheers!
  3. Thanks Greg :D It was a commissioned build...so no prices for it 😛
  4. First cut off the guiding plug from the inside half. Then you need to cut a little notch in the lower intake lip, next to the splitterplate.
  5. Those intakes are oop since long. The kit intakes are easy to fix though.
  6. Outstanding work, mate! Un weathered doesn't mean boring, there are many ways to spice things up...and I know you are up to it :)
  7. Oh my, that old kit! Good luck! Good thing there are lots of aftermarket stuff for it :)
  8. Simply gorgeous! Love the grime!
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