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Everything posted by longmc

  1. Looking a 1/48 mc.205, would prefer the italeri boxing. Hoping to trade but willing to buy. Also would like to trade for italeri 1/48 mc.200. Contact me directly as I don't always get the notifications from the board. mikenjennylong@gmail.com thanks, Mike
  2. Curt, I'm finishing up my first eduard D and loving it so far. I just ordered and received the D-Day double B kit. Mike
  3. Thanks for the link! I fear that could get expensive. They are so nice you would have to replace all the pylons. Maybe for my Italian build!
  4. Does anyone make the BOL pylon like the RAAF hornets use? thanks, Mike
  5. Tim sent you a PM with my email address. Would like to get the pylons from you. Send me the details. thanks!!
  6. Does anyone have a set of inner pylons from Mike Reeves (phase hanger) for the 1/48 revell eurofighter? I could really use two sets, but take whatever I can get. Will trade whole kits or buy. thanks! Mike PS please email me directly, I'm not getting notifications for some reason.
  7. Hi Ken, I have some Hasegawa Echoes I can part with. message me if you still need some. Mike
  8. I'm specifically looking for the decals from kit 2731 Tornado IDS/ECR ''Special Colors'' tornado ids/ecr special If you have it, please contact me and we can work out a deal. I can either trade or buy the kit. thanks, Mike
  9. Looking for mission mark decals sheet 48002 Tornado over the Apennines, or any set of Italian stencils and markings for gray IDS/ECR. Willing to buy or trade. Have lots of decals, many oop. thanks, Mike
  10. Curt, I'm very tempted for the same reason. The mustang has always been one of my favorite kits, and I"m chomping at the bit to get the B/C. I bought the royal class Ds when they came out, so logically I should also get the Bs /s. Mike
  11. Curt, I'm not familiar with the DN Model template, but that is generally how camo masks I've seen work. I have several from AMS and that's how they have you do it. Paint darkest to lightest masking up as you go. Sorry I. can't be of. specific help. Mike
  12. I'd like to find a Revell F-89C, the hobby craft F-94A and B. would like to trade, have lots of 1/48 aircraft and 1/35 vehicles. thanks Mike in Ohio
  13. Looking for the old black box cockpit, or squadron seats, wheels, etc. Also need decals, preferably any ANG units. thanks!
  14. I picked a Revell up at a show this weekend and it's pretty sparse, decals are shot. Would love to find some good markings for an ANG bird. thanks, Mike
  15. I missed the boat on the Caracal decals, but if anyone has this sheet even spares, please let me know. thanks, Mike
  16. Not yet. I'm planning to go to an IPMS show this weekend, maybe get lucky and find a deal on one!
  17. As a matter of fact I do have one in mind... a Tennessee ANG F-104B just like that one!!
  18. Well, how about that! thank you!!
  19. I know these are rare, and I'll take whatever leftovers you might have. I'm looking for: Victory Models 1/48 USAF/NASA F-104 starfighter Caracal (or any other) 1/48 B-58 hustler decals - any markings for Bunker Hill AFB based. thanks!
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