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About Raptor.777

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    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)

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  1. What kind of napalm canisters were used by the A-4E Skyhawks or for that matter any attack aircraft used to support troops in Vietnam? Thanks Jeff
  2. Cant remember where I saw it. Think it was on youtube but not sure. What do those nacelles carry? Some sort of RHR?
  3. Never mind, went back to the link. Set up for the GWH F-15E or I kit.
  4. Im assuming you would have to start with the GWH F-15E kit?
  5. I have heard that on the American F-15EX that those sensor pods right below the canopy, don't have anything in them. Only on the export versions have various sensors put in them
  6. Raptor.777


    Do any of you guys think someone will come out with an F-15EX model in 1/48 scale at some point? I think someone makes one in 1/72 scale but not 100% sure. Any conversion kits out there that would male a good EX kit? Thanks Jeff
  7. Does the Isreali Air Force use the small diameter bomb GBU 39's? I know they use the standard GBU JDAM munitions. Wasnt sure if they used those or not. What about JSOW's? Thanks Jeff
  8. Do you do modern USAF and Marine and Navy pilots with JMHC helmets in 1/48? Jeff
  9. Wow! Didn't mean to start a shake the hornets nest here. Just a ? Sorry
  10. OK, I got both the A and B models in 1/48 scale, any rumor of Tamiya doing the F-35 in the C version? Is there any aftermarket cannon pods that can be fitted to the B version? Thanks Jeff
  11. Thanks for the info. Even though it doesn't show the Litening pod or the FLIR pod on the Baz aircraft, I would think they would have the technology to run them so I am going to use modelers prerogative and put them on anyways
  12. Hypothetical ? here. Do you guys think the Isreali F-15D can carry the Litening targeting pod and the FLIR pod like the F-15I Ra'am? Thanks Jeff
  13. Not to much stuff for the B model yet. Hopefully Eduard will come out with some good stuff in march like another member stated. Thanks for the link though
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