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About pminer

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  • Birthday 07/05/1954

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    Atlanta, GA
  • Interests
    Computers, Scale modeling, Bible stuff and psychology.

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  1. Guys….I’m not looking for the colors. I’ve got that down. I’m looking for how y’all mask this seeker head area. It’s been really hard to get this area masked neatly. Thanks!
  2. Top of the day guys! Ok...I'm having a heck of a time getting the seeker heads right on my AIM-9M Sidewinders. When I say "seeker head" I mean the chromish section near the tip of the missile. How do you guys paint this section?? It's been hard to mask and spray without bleed-through the tape. It's also been hard to get that shiny chrome look. Thanks! Paul
  3. I agree with Paul. It's kinda annoying that they can't get this thing right. Take Revell's 144 C-17 as an example. Basic everything. But it builds up to a very nice model. We're not going to be able to see the interior anyhow! But one thing's for sure....they need to quit pumpin us full of false hope.
  4. No…I mean Navy Blue. Not the current engine gray scheme. This is what I’m asking. Navy Blue before -vs- the current Engine Gray scheme.
  5. Thanks for your reply! What did you mean that you added "square bars"? Thanks!
  6. Amazing work! I love the subject. Rare and beautiful. How did you solve the wing droop problem with the AMT kit? Thanks, Paul
  7. Anybody heard anything more about the Kinetic 1/72 C-17? Last I heard it was supposed to be released at the end of this year. Haha...yeah right. Thanks, Paul
  8. Top of the day gents! Ok...was the Navy MH-53E ever painted in Navy Blue livery? If so....any pics you can share? I've looked everywhere. Thanks! Paul
  9. Hey guys....I'm having a lot of trouble getting my AIM-9L/M sidewinder colors right and the paint compatibility. I've had a lot of "spidering". Stripping the missiles now. Can you all share how you do your AIM-9L/M Sidewinder Missiles? Especially...the guidance and seeker head paints/colors. Thanks! Paul
  10. Looking for Revell 04699 1/48 F-117 decal sheet. Anybody have one they're willing to part with or maybe trade? Boxart picture below.
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