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Academy 1/72 F-14A Jolly Rogers

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OK. Initially I wanted to build this bird wheels down. But, as I applied some putty to some of the injection pin marks, I saw... THIS:


WHAT THE...?! SERIOUSLY???? :bandhead2:

So, that decided it for me... Wheels up, it is!

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Hmmmm.... It had just occurred to me that the only way to build this as in-flight model is by sacrificing at least 2 of the Phoenixes. And I really want to build this fully loaded... I guess I will still build this bird wheels down, despite the shocking pin marks in the gear wheels. Oh well, at least they won't be visible when sitting on the shelf. :woot.gif:

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OK. I decided to glue the rear Phoenix launchers to see if there's any way to mount this bird


I can see there's a bit of space between the front tip of the rear launcher and the rear end of the front ones, so I think I should be able to build this bird wheels up after all! YEAH!! :thumbsup:/>/>

Also found this little gem at my LHS:


I can mount up to 3 birds on this thing.

EDIT: I don't know why the picture of the display stand is upside down. Tried to edit PhotoBucket, but no effect...

EDIT for EDIT: Damn you PhotoBucket!! Now it's right way up, making my previous EDIT sounds weird!!!

Edited by Mike C
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Lots of drama with this project. The wheel cover didn't fit at all. Looks absolutely crap. I'm not sure what to do here. I might use Milliput to patch this up later.


Tonight, I decided to glue the top and bottom fuselage halves together, along with the wings and glove vanes. O...M...G!!!!!!! It took me probably around an hour to do it. The hardest part is ensuring the glove vanes would stay put. But then when I managed to get everything lined up and glued, I realized that I had stupidly installed the wings incorrectly (left on right, and right on left). Somehow I managed to pry the fuselage halves enough to swap the wings around.


Considering the number of moving parts, it was surprising that the fit was still somewhat acceptable. The worst gap was the joint between the fuselage halves just behind the wings.


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Quite a bit of puttying required... :bandhead2:





I actually lost one of the small wheel covers. So, I fashioned a replacement one using one of the pylons from Italeri E Super Hornet that I scrapped some time ago.

Also finished painting the AIM-9 (L?) and AIM-7 (E?). The Sidewinders were OOB. As far as the Sparrows go, the kit's Sparrows are EXTREMELY BAD, so I decided to steal a couple of Sparrows from my Academy "C" Hornet.


For newer jets, I'd normally spray the tip of the 'Winders with metallic (Boltgun Metal, Gun Metal, etc.), but I used black for this one. Also, rather than using FS36375 for the missile body, I used gloss white (Gunze Aqueous H1).


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Thanks xavi. :thumbsup:

Anyway... My elbow is sore from all the sanding. And yet there's plenty more to come! :bandhead2:

AIM-54 Phonexies all painted up. Ready for decals! Man! I must've done at least 4 spray sessions on those! Each session laying down probably 3-4 layers! Yeah... yeah... I know I can use Tamiya White Fine Surface Primer. But... I thought I'd do things "the hard way" for this one. :woot.gif:



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Alrighty... Glued the front and rear fuselage together...


As expected, they don't fit perfectly. Although I didn't expect there was such a big step on the join. The worst was the belly.



After lots of sanding with 400-grit sandpaper...




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Missiles are all done. Weathered with oil wash then finished with a thin layer of Tamiya semi-gloss clear (X-35). This is the first time I use Tamiya X-35. It's fantastic!



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Installed the canopy and windscreen and learned that the canopy doesn't fit the frame that well. Not sure if you can see it from the photos below, but the bottom of the canopy only barely touched the frame.



One thing that I'm quite happy about though is the join between forward and rear fuselage. Can't see any evidence of seam line at all now.



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Well, not everyone follows GB thread. Also, I may not be able to finish this project in time before the GB finishes, in which case, I'll only continue updating the normal In Progress thread.

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All 4 Phoenix launchers are installed.


You know, I've had Tamiya Extra Thin Cement for quite some time, but I have only used it sparingly in the past. This is the first project where I used predominantly this fantastic substance! I think I'll start using it much more from now on. I'll still use Tamiya's normal cement, but it'll be my secondary cement. :woot.gif:

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Jet turbines up! :woot.gif: Sprayed with MM Non Buffing Metalizer Gun Metal.


Dry-fitting the left side engine nacelle revealed not a bad fit. Doesn't look like it'd require any putty.


The right side engine nacelle will require some putty though.



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That's some serious gappage! Are you going to fill the gap using putty and/or styrene filler, or try scribing the nacelle sides?

Edited by David N Lombard
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That's some serious gappage! Are you going to fill the gap using putty and/or styrene filler, or try scribing the nacelle sides?

Sanding... Lots of sanding, plus putty, of course.



The front parts glued with Tamiya Extra Thin cement and held in place with hand until the cement dried enough. I then applied some Tamiya Basic Putty (highly thinned with nail polish remover) then sanded down with 1200-grit sandpaper, to blend the tips of the engine nacelles.




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  • 1 month later...

Alrighty... Seems that a whole bunch of updates were lost when the site went down. Anyway.... Here are some pics of the more significant "updates" since then...

Now, I don't normally use preshading for my models. But I'm making an exception for this.


I used Tamiya XF-54 Dark Sea Grey for the preshading. BTW, Tamiya XF-54 is virtually identical to Gunze Aqueous FS36118, especially when sprayed. See picture below... I used Gunze FS36118 for this: (what's that triangular area called?)


I also started spraying Light Gull Gray on the lower fuselage, but then I noticed a few places that still needed some puttying. I used Gunze Aqueous H315 (FS16440), thinned with Tamiya X-20A acrylic thinner.


Horizontal stabilizers slightly weathered and decaled.


Vertical stabilizers all done. Ready for a layer of clear coat (I think I'll use Tamiya Semi-Gloss Clear)


Gas bags weathered a bit with oil wash.


Masked and sprayed the black areas with Tamiya semi-gloss black (X-18).


'Later! :cheers:

Edited by Mike C
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OK... Oil wash applied. I'm thinking of spraying random panel with slightly different colour to emulate paint touch ups. I might also spray some Tamiya Smoke over some random areas.






Hmmm... just remembered that I haven't painted the navigation lights and the gun port's metallic part.


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