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Accurate Miniatures Mustang

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G,day All

Mysecond post here depicting a Mustang belonging to the 1st Air Commando Group in the CBI theatre. Kit is built out of the box. Still experimenting with my camera. Am not happy with my oil streaks, I did them by applying a drop of thinned paint, then wiping it with my findger, it looks like what it is - a smear! anyone got any better methods?



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Hi Your stang looks good thus far. I make a black sludge wash for oil stains and weathering in general.First buy a piece of hard graphite chalk which you can find at any arts/crafts store. Find a small glass or reciptical of some sort. Take the piece of graphite and scrape the sides of it with an x-acto knife building up a quarter inch of graphite dust in the bottom of the glass. Put one drop of dishwashing liquid in the graphite dust then add a very small amount of water until you have a little thinner then "goo". Take a small flat modeling or art brush and place the wash in the area where you want the weathering on the plane and viola!! Thin the wash down a little more to darken panel lines and to make overall "dirt" on the outside of the aircraft. Very simple! Enjoy! :cheers: Vaughn

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Your Mustang looks great. The exhaust weather is amazing. When I do oil streaks I usually put a small drop of oil wash at the appropriate panel line on the engine and use my airbrush (air only) to blow it back along the fuselage.

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:) Stunning job, can't wait to see how you weather it up. I've got that same AM kit in my stash. I need to stick my head in the closet more often. That's a must build. The markings are terrific. Ivan :D :monkeydance:

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