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We will not be having a dedicated web page for this group build as it seems to be the new GB trend. So all News, Updates, Links and General Questions & Answers will be conducted here. Please feel free to contribute. Any and all help will be appreciated.

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For those of you who're going to make MiG-15 of the leading ace Col. Pepelyaev:


All MiG-15 and MiG-15bis flown by Pepelyaev during the war. The "325" was his workhorse. Col. Pepelyaev scored 17 kills of 19 total while flying "325".



Edited by brahio
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found it on yahoo I need to update my ARC thingie..Hey that is pretty cool Steve S mention something about doing one too ..you guys must have ESP. I think its great but I would'nt know how to do the upkeep on it. I guess if you and Steve want to do the home work on it then I'm all for it. :crying:

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<<<News Flash>>>

I really ****** off some people because I didn't agree with the way they just make up rules on the spur of the moment.....This was some how was misinterpreted into a blame me personal attack thing. but some how I think 'THEY' have managed a final ruling on GB entries....I'm not really sure how long the current ruling will hold up ( and really afraid to ask for fear of ruffling more feathers) but currently you can use the same model for multiple GB if GB mods agree ( some one please correct me if I'm wrong! as I have yet to be notified by any one on any thing in regards to this and I draw the conclusions from

the GB guide lines sept 03 2006). please contact me me if you fall into this category please.

Also please remember that I pull wrenches for a living and don't really have a deep touchy feelie side. So I'm sorry if I come off a little abrasive.

Edited by TF51GREGWISE
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Man we need some sponsers for this G.B.

We have a open invitation for sponsors if anyone desires to do so. Now having said that. In past GB's some sponsors did not deliver in what some call a timely fashion. And really creates a lot of hassle, heartaches and stress. Because of this and other factors we lost the King of GB (my friend) on the KWGB, So I decided not to panhandle sponsors for prizes on the KWGB. But Fear not we have still have more prizes that I will post this weekend so keep your eye on THIS thread.

Edited by TF51GREGWISE
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