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About erwin

  • Rank
    Step away from the computer!
  • Birthday 09/16/1960

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    WW-2 planes,scale 32 nd and 24 th
  1. Hi all, I need two red balls with white outline and two without outline .Should be between 35 and 38 mm accross. Any help will be much appreciated.
  2. First progress. The main thing is to make sure the gunpositon pannels are smoothly sanded into the fuselage part.
  3. Hi all, My entry in this GB...
  4. Hi all, My build for this GB...
  5. FINISHED More pictures in the gallery.
  6. Nearly done.Just need to add the seats , windows and fix the wings...
  7. I'm using satin Revell 381 brown and Humbrol 198 green.
  8. Starting on the paintwork... I'm usin Humbrol satin green 195 and Revell satin brown 381.
  9. Hi all, I just joined the GB with the 1/32 nd Revell Piper Cub to be build in Belgian markings.
  10. Hi all, I just started this kit and I guess it fits the GB rules.And with still two months to go in the GB I will be able to finish it in time. The Piper Cub was used by the Belgian Light Aviation Group as a trainer,Liason and recce in the 1960's. I will use this kit... First progress...
  11. Hi all, Just my opinion here. But I feel the gallery shound only be used to post pictures of the finished models. Comments should be given in the buildreport. If we all start like this the gallery will becomme a mess.
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