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About yardbird78

  • Rank
    Blackbird veteran
  • Birthday 03/12/1943

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  • Gender
  • Location
    40 klicks Northeast of the Gateway
  • Interests
    Radio Control Aircraft
    Plastic Scale Aircraft

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  1. It takes me an average of 3 months to complete a model, I have 400+ in the stash and I am 78 years old, so the odds of ever "finishing" my stash are staggeringly strong against that happening. Hmmmmm, I wonder if St Peter will let me take them with me through the "Pearly Gates" and .......?
  2. I have been inactive in plastic modeling for about 5 years due to personal issues and I just recently stumbled onto the ARC forum site that I used to frequent on a daily basis. Group builds used to be a very popular subject with lots of participants, but I noticed that there has been almost no activity in that area for a year or more. I am curious as to the reasons for that.
  3. I was still active duty USAF, assigned to 9th Strat Recon Wing, Beale AFB, CA (the SR-71 gang) and TDY to Kadena Air Base, Okinawa. Even working in intelligence with a TOP SECRET security clearance, we didn't have access to information from the MiG-25 bonanza.
  4. Long time air show pilot Vlado Lenoch and passenger Bethany Root were killed about 10:45 Sunday morning July 16 in the crash of a P-51 Mustang "Baby Duck" near Atchison, Kansas. Darwin
  5. I have never been unfortunate enough to know or meet Mr Cleaver, but apparently I am much better off for that missing element of my life's experiences. I have know Hal Marshman for quite a number of years and it would be nearly impossible to find a finer gentleman, better modeler or better person for a role model. May Hal forever rest in peace with the Heavenly Father and may Mr. Cleaver find the professional mental treatment that he so obviously direly needs.
  6. Hal Marshman, Sr, passed away at 6:21 PM, April 4th 2017. He was a consummate modeler specializing in Luftwaffe aircraft and other WW-II German equipment and uniforms. He had a lifelong love affair with the P-47 Thunderbolt and was one of the most knowledgeable people on that subject. He will be sorely missed in the modeling community, especially in the Boston area. May he forever rest in peace with the Heavenly Father and may He guard, guide and protect Hal's family and friends. Darwin
  7. May they both forever rest in peace with the Heavenly Father and may He guard, guide and protect their family and friends.
  8. I had the flu shot back in early November, but I am still just getting over a severe URI that had me in bed for 4-5 days. Nasty stuff, whatever it was. Darwin
  9. Storing kits in 100+ degree temperatures for extended periods of time can be very hard on decals. Temperatures have to get about 130 or higher to warp the plastic. If you store the kits in a basement with high humidity, seal the decals in a plastic storage bag.
  10. I would like to thank all of the people who participated in this group build. There were 37 entries by 27 modelers and 11 of those were finished. I didn't get my entry finished due to extended family medical issues, but I am very pleased with the overall results of the group build. I am looking forward to more model building and maybe moderating another GB sometime down the road. Darwin Evelsizer, aka Blackbird.
  11. Mike Idacvage. Very nice work on a unique and unusual subject. Darwin
  12. Congratulations on finishing your entry. It looks great. The FOD cover adds quite a bit. Darwin
  13. Congratulations on finishing your entry. Darwin
  14. Your recce Spitfire looks great and is especially unique with the French roundels instead of RAF. Darwin
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