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About Kostucha

  • Rank
    Hangin' on the props...
  • Birthday 10/22/1984

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  • Location
    Winnipeg, MB
  • Interests
    I've been an avid fan of models since being very young. For a number of years I gave up the hobby due to work. However, I've found model building a great stress relief and a good reason to get away from everything for an hour or two every so often.

    I build primarily WWII Aircraft, and used to build mainly 48th scale, although now I've found a new love - 1/24 scale.

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  1. Good morning folks, In looking at this GB, I must say, the work here is nothing short of incredible. The scale representations of one of the most iconic aircraft to ever fly certainly do this flying legend justice. Once this GB comes to a close, and the raffle prizes I have are sent out, I will be packing up the work bench and moving on. Due to personal reasons, and the challenges that I'll be facing for the next while, there is just no place, time, or opportunity to build anymore. Such is life. In that though, I wanted to pass on my sincerest thanks to you all. It has been a blast.
  2. The other question, is how was the disassembled (removed) ball turret stored/kept? I doubt it'd be set up with the support structure that supported it in the bomber. I've seen a couple of images of a turret being kept on a wooden frame, but upside down. Finding anything through the net on maintenance of the ball turret to show what this would look like is proving to be quite difficult. Any help is appreciated. Cheers, Mark.
  3. Alright! The radio room was a bit of a pain, as the floor itself was a bit slanted. However, with a quick application of a small piece of evergreen (2 x 2 mm and about a cm long), managed to get a good support bracket done and the floor now sits level. There were a couple of other items that were added and removed. Just as Karl mentioned, the dynamotor for the command radio transmitters was removed from above the desk. There was also a lamp that was added, as well as all the applicable wiring on the desk. Further to this, a few items were added underneath the desk. All these items were foun
  4. So... picture this... Radio room (starboard side) is complete with window and everything, and the smaller little details are done in the flight deck. Scratch built center bomb racks are also complete (the building that is), and now it's just the painting of it that is left. Not having a laptop... sucks!
  5. Progress is going to continue, unfortunately, my laptop pooched last night. So, as I can't upload pictures at work, there will be little in the way of updates until the laptop comes back from the shop. Mark.
  6. Hello folks, I've had a bit of misfortunate luck. The decals I had paid for from a member here for the 1/48 Polish Mig-21 with the big marlin running down her side fell through. That I'm dealing with on my own. But what I'm looking for is decals for a 1/48 Polish Mig-21 MF, either with the big Marlin, or other. If anyone can help, it's greatly appreciated. Cheers, Mark.
  7. I'll have all the answers shortly. But, certainly looking forward to these!
  8. I talked with Karl, and what we will be doing, for any build (and mine likely as well Stephen), those that aren't completed, will be continued in the "In-Progress Builds" section of the forum. How eexactly that will be done, I'm not sure. Whether it's ending the threads here, and having new ones in the build thread, or something else, I'm not sure. They may perhaps just continue here. I know that I'll keep my build updated as progress is made. In short, there is nothing wrong with startinig here... one big central B-17 section... Hope this helps, Mark.
  9. Karl, where would I be without you! So... finally, taking something apart, rather than putting together! And thank you kindly for the technical info. I have been making progress on the work bench... but not with LMM, rather clearing some room by getting that Spitfire Vb finished. I'll have pictures up soon. Cheers, Mark.
  10. NICE!!! PS. Got those decals. PM me the addy to send the prop decals to. Mark.
  11. No worries! Not much done to report on tonight. A couple of rags, empty and beaten up fire extinguisher mount, tool box and tool/kit bag strewn across the radio room floor. Still lots to do, like beat up the portion of the floor left visible, and a few other things. I really wasn't up to wiring anything tonight, I'll leave that for the weekend I think: Here is the shot I used for the fire extinguisher bracket and a few other things. This is LMM right after her return, managed to aquire a HUGE version of the picture. What's key here isn't what's visible, but what isn't. Not all Forts had th
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