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About GretarBill

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)
  • Birthday 03/06/1963

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  • Location
    Reykjavík, Iceland

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  1. Thank you very much. I found the site. that's a lot of text.😬 But that's a brilliant way to get rid of the flash. With a hot paper clip or wire. I'll read the rest later. But a good site. Thanks again Grétar W. G.
  2. Thanks. Indeed. The only problem with the old Airfix ones is that they are made of that horrible soft plastic. So it rather hard to repair them. Taking the mold lines etc. But they are rather good considering their age. Yes I thought one wasn't enough so I had to build another one. Airfix should make a set with those small items in the bomber resupply set. As they have done with the Austin and the Bedford. If I remember correctly. I got the idea with the cleaning man when I saw a picture of a chap cleaning the front guns. But I didn't have anything tall enough to put a figure
  3. Hi all. Was completing a Lancaster diorama. The Lancaster model is an old Revell I built for the Heavies GB , AC Matador and David brown Tractor are Airfix. Figures are from Airfix, CMK and Revell + at least two I made myself from other ones. I also scratch built a new maintenance tower. I call it: Getting ready ones more. Here are more photos
  4. Hi you all. I have put this request in the Spare box - add scale to your title, with no success. So I thought you rotor heads could help me. I have a dilemma. I started the Trumpeter 1/48 Dauphin (No 02816) for the SARs group build in 2015. But didn't complete it. Now I want to start again and finish it. I have however lost the decals. For the Icelandic Coast Guard (Landhelgisgæslan) I had cut them from the other (Chinese) decals. I can find them but not the ones I need. Is it possible that anyone out there have the decals for me? See attached picture. I need the ones
  5. Hi you all. I have a dilemma. I started the Trumpeter 1/48 Dauphin (No 02816) for the SARs group build in 2015. But didn't complete it. Now I want to start it again and complete it. I have however lost the decals for it. For the Icelandic Coast Guard (Landhelgisgæslan) I had cut it from the other decals. I can find them but not the ones I need. Is it possible that anyone out there has the decals for me? With thanks in advance. Grétar W. G.
  6. Hi you all. A long time since I was here last time. It was in 2017 when the heavies GB was on. I didn't compleat the model then. The decals where not good. But now it's done. I got new decals from Sky models that are nice. More pictures (some the same as in the GB forum) from the build can be seen here. I'm no master at weathering, so there is hardly any weathering on the model. Just some exhaust streaks from the engines. But they faded alot after the clear coat. After I took the pictures I notesed that I had forgot to paint the nav. lights and the ends on the propelars. I have f
  7. Hi. I, as Winnie and Stefan above, also want to comlpleat a helicopter I started building for the SAR GB in 2015. Most of the small detailing and scrachbuilding is done. So I'm hoping that I'll be able to compleat it in this GB. Isn't that ok? Of course I will not count me in the raffle consideration. Best regards Grétar W. G.
  8. Hi all. Is anybody still checking out this GB? If so, here are some pictures of my Lanc. I was hoping I could compleat it before the deadline. But didn't make it. The kits decals are VERY thick. So they didn't sit nor stick well to the model. I'm going to order decals from Hannants as soon as they are back in stock. If the decals would have been OK then I would probaly have compleated it on the last day. At least about 95 % I have masked the model and it's ready for the green colour. The top half is ready. The painting's done and a little weat
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