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dai phan

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About dai phan

  • Rank
    Full Blown Model Geek

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  1. Hi all, Yes I am still building the 86 and near completion. Spent last few days re-organizing the work station. Dai
  2. Hello all, I organized my work station so it is less clustered. I bought the wooden chests and store the majority of the tools in there. I only have on my bench the absolute items needed while working on the project. A label maker is handy to know where things are. Dai
  3. Hi all, The gun panels are in line with the panel lines! Dai
  4. Looks like 6-3 as the wing root overlaps the ammo door. Dai
  5. I am so lucky Duncan points out the fact it has narrow chord rather than what Draw said. Imagine I grafted the 6-3 wings only to find out it was a total waste !!! Upon research I discover the hint of the 6-3 wing was the wing root overlaps the ammo door. That is why when the door was opened, the tip of the wing root was removed. Thank you again Curtis! Dai
  6. I wondered why on CP decals the instruments are yellow and now I know. Dai
  7. Yes ! My apologies Your Highness… Correction done! Dai
  8. Yes with a few light passes with 1000 grit sponge sandpaper. Dai
  9. Hello all, Looking into the Ben Hall’s restoration project of the 86A revealed the white scheme one is now painted in USAF Korean scheme and in flying condition. There are many photos of this bird on the Net. As Duncan stated, it has narrow chord with slats shut and wing fences added. You can tell it is the narrow chord variant by looking at the wing’s root. The root does NOT overlap the ammo door. Without this hint it is very difficult to know which is which. 6 inches at the root for the 6-3 wing wouls be 3.175 mm in 48th scale and this small amount difference is hard to detect in
  10. Thank you so much and I just ordered the book. There is one person selling this book for 2K USD on EB ! Dai
  11. Do you have a link for the references? Thanks Dai
  12. I am not that OCD but I want to make sure the wing is correct. Dai
  13. Hi all, Besides the wing fences, a vertical bottom antenna will need to be added to. Dai
  14. I could only find these 2 photos on the Net. Dai
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