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About chopperpilot71

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  • Birthday 10/28/1971

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  • Location
    Fort Rucker Alabama "Orange Door County Choppers"

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  1. Thanks for the kind words guys, "pminer", I had esophageal cancer that spread to my pancreas and bones, it was a tough fight, they gave me six months to live! Like I said, I'm VERY glad to be modeling instead of pushing up daisies!
  2. I don't like it, I LOVE IT! Your weathering and finish is phenomenal!
  3. Very sharp looking Thud! Very nice work!
  4. And to think this was going in the trash! You rescued it and made it BEAUTIFUL! Very nice job, it looks fantastic.
  5. Thanks gents for the nice comments! It's great to be back at it!
  6. Now that I've officially beat terminal cancer (Thank you Lord!) it's time to get back to modeling!! Here's my Monogram F-18A that I turned into a "C" and clothed it Fightertown Decals' Centennial F-18C markings. I'm a sucker for jets with orange markings so this was one that I had to do as the first model that I did during my recovery from a monster fight with that cancer! Btw, since I went with Monogram (Revell) I've got about 20 bucks in the whole thing! Rich.
  7. You guys rock!! Thank you all for the prayers and support because IT WORKED!! To God be the glory is right Eric!! This chopper pilot is putting his wings back on because the cancer just got its buttocks handed to it! And this hobby of ours was a great for me during the treatment!! Life RULES. Oh, and ask B-1 Nut what it feels like to have a .45 pointed at him!!
  8. Outstanding! And I love the fact that it's the Revell/Monogram kit!! Proof that the older, cheaper kits can look as good as the new and pricey ones. Beautifully done!!
  9. Turned out very nice.....I like the attention to detail with the weathering! Nicely done
  10. Thanks for the comments, the build itself was'nt bad at all, the difficulties that I encountered were entirely my mistakes! for example,I learned that 'Alclad' is a LACQUER, not an ENAMEL, therefore canNOT be sprayed on top of the other. (I can hear someone saying "If you had read the bottle....") Yes, yes, lesson learned. I rescribed the entire thing although the primer and painting process filled the panel lines most of the way back up. The decals are from Warbird and the went on without a hitch and responded to the Solvaset very well, the paint is Model Master and Alclad (I found
  11. I almost folded it half twice during the construction process, but somehow I was able to get it wrapped up last weekend.
  12. Pretty much done, just gotta add the sway braces to the jet pods, and re-attach the nose and tail guns as well as a couple antenna's. It'll be a while before I do a natural metal model again! Although I had a great time building it!!
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